Stupid HTML tricks...
HTML Primer:
HTML uses tags to define how text appears on a web page.
When you open a tag (<tag style>), it affects all
the text that appears after the tag. You must close the tag
(</tag style>) to return the formatting to a normal text style.
If you don't close your tag, it will affect the rest of your
response, as well as the responses that follow.
The most commonly used HTML tags and their purpose:
- Paragraph breaks (<p>): To ensure that your response
layout looks the way you want it to, make sure you add <p> at the
end of each paragraph. This identifies the end of a paragraph, similar to
the ¶ used in many word processors.
- Line breaks (<br>): Similar to paragraph breaks, line
breaks are used when you want to start text on a different line, without
starting a new paragraph.
- Bold text (<b>): Emphasizes your text, so it stands out
when you want to make a point. Surround the text you want to bold with
<b> (open tag) and </b> (close tag).
This is an example of bold text
- Italic text (<i>): Gives your text character; often used
when quoting or displaying spoken text. Surround the text you want to
italicize with <i> (open tag) and </i> (close tag).
So I said "This is an example of italic text"
- Centered text (<center>): Centers your text in the page;
usually used on single lines and as titles. Surround the text you want to
center with <center> (open tag) and </center> (close tag).
This is an example of centered text
For more information on HTML, this reference guide has plenty of useful information.
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