Tonight we bring you a dark tale of horror and improbability. We will witness the meeting of the two teams who both came so close so many times, only to have victory snatched away by the icy grip of defeat in the end. From the NFC, we have the once great Minnesota Vikings from the 70's. Led by Fran Tarkenton, they are no stranger to dissapointment in the final showdown with four Superbowl losses. From the AFC, we have the recent Buffalo Bills, who have made a habit out of losing the big game. Tonight, live from the Twilight Zone, we will witness their meeting, for a fictional Superbowl World Championship, where one team will finally slay the demons that haunt it.
Oh, and Steve, even in the Twilight Zone, NFC >> AFC. 'Nuff said.
STEVE: All your facts are correct, but your interpretation of them is that of a weak-minded simpleton. Obviously, it is a greater sign of weakness to lose the superbowls over a longer time scale. So the Bills had a bad 4 years. So what. The Vikings had a bad 9 years! A losing streak over twice as long! They were so bad they didn't even make it to the Superbowl several of those years. At least the Bills made it consecutively--obviously the sign of a superior team.
The Bills also have innovation on their side. They have the Hurry-up offense, K-Gun, and Kelly himself calling most of the plays. All Fran has is the traditional run-the-ball/pass-the-ball boring offense. Very predictable, very beatable. Even that won't matter however-- Bruce Smith is going to send Fran out of the game early in the first quarter. Bills 35, Vikings 6.
Brian, the Twilight Zone is a dimension of imagination, so actually AFC >> NFC.
BRIAN: It truly amazes me that you can acuse me of simple-minded interpretations and then come up with something like this! The Vikings sucked for all nine years??!! No way! When teams like these DON'T make it to the Super Bowl is usually when they have their best year (Vikings fans will tell you their best team was the one that lost in the playoffs to Dallas on that fluke Hail Mary play). Just ask any Steelers fan. Last year, they fell Three Yards Short (tm) of the AFC Championship, but as any Steelers fan will tell you, they were the top team in the league. But if the Steelers had beaten the Chargers and then invariably been blown out by the 49ers, everyone would have said, "Damn those Steelers suck!" (much like they said of the Chargers). Simply put, the Vikings were TOO GOOD to lose four in a row, hence they will win.
And don't even tell me about innovation. The Bills aren't doing anything that hasn't been done before. (Methinks I saw an offense very similar to the "K-gun" in Super Bowl XXIII and there wasn't a Bill in sight. Oh, and that offense lost the game, of course.) Who want innovation, just look at Fran the Scrambler. Tarkenton's scrambling abilities electrified the game! All Jim Kelly does is limp off the field after every other play. The only innovation done in the game since Fran's scrambling is the West Coast Offense (tm) and nothing the Bill's have done.
Viewing from her luxury box at the new United Airlines Stadium (tm) in the Twilight Zone, Kathy Lee Crosby will see Fran's performance and will be able to say nothing other than "That's Incredible! (tm)"
Oh, and Steve, I don't care if we are in the Twilight Zone or Bizarro World, NFC >> AFC.
STEVE: "Limp off the field after every other play?" I don't think so! Kelly is one of the toughest quarterbacks out there. He takes a beating and stays with his team until he's a bloody mess! And he actually leads the team by calling most of the plays, unlike his modern counterparts. I believe you're thinking of Troy Aikman (AKA "Jerry Jones' lap dog"), who does in fact limp off the field every 2.3 plays. And since when is "scrambling" innovative? Seems pretty old-fashioned to me.
Don't get me started on "That's Incredible! (tm)". A second rate show hosted by a second rate quarterback with minimal hosting skills. That's all I have to say about that.
Oh, how they will celebrate in Buffalo tonight! The legendary 12th man provided by the fans of Buffalo will paint the town red (and blue). The partying will last for days. Meanwhile, the hapless residents of Minnesota sulk and watch "Coach" reruns. After all, only in the make-believe world of TV sitcoms can a Minnesota team actually win.
Editorial note: We appreciate that the fellow from the University of
Kansas is a Bills fan,
but regret that his votes (almost 200 of them at last count) must be
removed in the interest of fairness.
Thanks for keeping it a close race though!
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On the other hand, I suppose that a meteor would probably just crash into the stadium, killing everyone to prevent a victory for either.
- Mike Miller
The game, which had left the Vikings one point ahead up until last second of the fourth quarter, was about to end as the Bills tried for a fifty-yard field goal. Unfortunately, since it is scientifically impossible for either of the teams to win, there was a last-minute galactic core dump as Twilight plane of existence almost rend itself in two.
"I thought that the NFC would win by default," said director Ohmi Gosh, "I forgot that the AFC could actually win the bowl in the seventies."
Several football announcers, agreeing that the alleged AFC victories were elaborate Communist propaganda, have agreed that a disaster like this was inevitable. "Once Fox got those NFL games, you know the Apocolypse is coming," said John Madden, "Melrose Place and Football on the same Network? Forget it. I'm just glad it didn't happen in my universe.
The Dual Impossible Effect, first seen in the Dukakis-Bush election of 1988 and later in WWWF's Storm Troopers vs. RedShirted Ensigns, happens when the only possible options are themselves impossible, and so causes the universe to lock up in a self-defense measure to save itself from being ripped apart by violations of the laws of probability. Looping over and over like a bad Star Trek episode, the universe replays the offending event until a viable option becomes available. Authorities are planning to send in the 49ers to resolve the paradox tomorrow.
--RosencrantzUndaunted, our young hero turned his hand to acting. He had one tremendous advantage over most ex-athletes: he was able to speak in complete sentences. After a few minor television roles he landed the part that made him a star. For that young defensive end is none other than Dean Cain, who plays Superman on Lois and Clark: the new adventures of Superman. And now you know the rest of the story.
Once Superman learns that the Bills have made it to the Big Dance one more time, he will do everything in his power to make the team. Years of pent-up Rage (tm) give him the iron resolve to suit up one last time and exorcise the demons of his past. I don't pretend to know how Superman makes it to the Twilight Zone in time for the kickoff. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with flying around the earth over and over, really really fast until the Cheesy Special Effect (tm) kicks in.
But regardless of how it's done. RuPaul and Boy George will have a tough time calling this game (hey, this is the Twilight Zone, after all) since one of the defensive ends has a cape hanging over the back of his jersey. You want quickness? He's faster than a speeding bullet. You want blocking? He's more powerful than a locomotive. You want someone who can dive over the top on the short yardage plays? He can leap tall buildings in a single bound. What's that racking up a hundred interceptions for the Bills? Is it a bird? Of course not, Buttmunch, don't be stupid. Is it a plane? Get your eyes check, Dillweed. It's Superman! Strange defensive end from another planet with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal Bills (which is a damn good thing).
The only dark moment in this Bills romp comes early in the first half. Superman has just made his first interception and run it back for a touchdown. In his exuberance, he spikes the ball a little too hard and sends it spiralling into the earth's crust. But after using his Super Breath (tm) to freeze the newly born volcano, and providing a decent burial to the remains of Jimmy Hoffa which were forced to the surface during the eruption, the game continues.
The Viking's offense is so completely shut down by the Man of Steel (tm), that even the anemic Bills offense can't give the game away. Sorry, Fran. Maybe if you had played a superhero instead of hosting That's Incredible, you might have stood a chance.
Now, let's figure the average Viking's possesion lasts 30 seconds before Superman manages to force a turnover. The Bills will average a pathetic 2:30 per possession for a total of three minutes. This means that each team will get possession of the ball 20 times. If Superman runs back 95% of the turnovers for a touchdown (hey, nobody's perfect) that gives us a final score of
Vikings 0 Bills 133
- Dr. Dave
Look at it this way... on a good day, the Vikings might actually be able to beat the Patriots.
- Jake McGuire, Carnegie Mellon
Oh and one other thing -- these teams played real football in real environments (except for Buffalo's astroturf). Don't play the game in a tropical paradise or some pansy dome. Soldier Field looks like a good neutral site.
- Ken
- Joel "I ate the leftovers from Madden's loss to the Fridge" Recht
- Douglas Shultz
- Bill Scherzinger
- Jeffrey R. Swanson, California State University, Chico
VIKINGS 37 (2 TD rush, 2 TD pass, 1 def fumble rec, 1 safety!) BILLS 6 (two field goals setup by punt returns)
- Mike Smith
- Kraig Lee
- Ronald Poniewasz, Kent State University
- Eric Rawdon, University of iowa
- Dave West, Cornell University
So, in the hallowed grounds of Cleveland Stadium, the former home of the team that never got there, these two fight it out. Buffalo is hot off a win over Denver, the other true losers, while the Vikings breezed through the loser playoffs, beating Arizona and Detroit. Halftime entertainment is provided by Beck, singing his hit "Loser."
The Bills lose the coin toss, and kick off toward the scoreboard. The Vikes take an early lead on Tarkenton's TD pass to AC, but then their scoring stops. The quarter ends, sides are switched, and the Vikings line up facing the big screen scoreboard. The Bills, chosing not to put O.J. in the lineup, instead put him on screen. The Vikings are bored to death as the Fung cross-examination is played throughout the quarter, and secede an insurmountable lead. The Bills win, 50-7.
- King
It's game time, Vikings kick off. There it goes fielded by Brooks who gets hit and fumbles. A Viking has it, Marshall perhaps, and he is in for a TD. Wait, wrong endzone, Bills get 6.
Vikings first possession (this will also hold true for all remaining possessions). Tarkenton drops back and throws a bomb for a TD.
Final Score: Vikings 79 Bills 6 (Norwood missed the xp wide right)
- Jagrmeister
The important comparison is between the 1990 and 1970 era football players. The '90s player is the product of years of steroid use. They have grown well beyond the dimensions of "organic" mighty mortals of today. The so called "monsters" of 1975 pale in comparison, The '90s Bills have cornerbacks who could substitute at linebacker for the "terrible in THEIR ERA" Purple People Eaters. Heck, the Purple People Eaters of yore would have a time of it holding up against the current purple rage we know as the Northwestern Wildcats.
The '90s Bills will scoff at their punitive combatants and proceed to maul them. The result will be a more lopsided victory than even the Bills of present have managed to be on the short end of.
- Dr. Joe
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