STEVE: I agree that this is going to be a close one, but in the end, Lex will pull through. Put simply, no one can hold a candle to Lex's superior intellect. Let's not forget that he single-handedly masterminded a plan to sink California into the ocean. He discovered Superman's origin and the effect of Kryptonite on him. Not to mention being leader of the Legion of Doom. His mind is like a well-oiled machine. Of course, Khan is no idiot. He has superior genetically engineered intellect. However, his rage towards Kirk will destroy his concentration, leading to foolish errors in strategy. Lex will quickly capitalize on these, eventually capturing the Stratego flag. The one advantage Khan has is intimidation. He is quite a domineering fellow, and his firey stare will cause lapses in Lex's concentration, allowing him to win a couple matches. Lex in 6.
BRIAN: Thanks for playing, Steve. We have some lovely consolation gifts for you. First of all, like you said, Khan has a genetically engineered intellect. Lex's random assortment of chromosomes can't compete. Second, the Hall of Doom sucked ass. They lost everything all the time - none of his plans for world domination ever worked. Third, Khan will overcome his rage after the first few games and it will become his ally. PLUS, Luthor will win the first few games, and get cocky. (Remember, he relaxed with two nuclear missiles in the air and Superman in the underground pool with a kryptonite necklace. So relaxed, in fact, that he didn't consider the possibilities of buxom traitors or warps in the space-time continuum.) That will be his undoing. Khan's dinner: Kirk's skull l'orange under glass.
STEVE: When did you get back on the prescription medication? It's obviously clouding your judgement. Let's look at their respective foes. Khan was defeated by Kirk, a two-bit captain who was always letting his hormones get the better of him. Kirk's two best friends either couldn't feel or couldn't act. Lex was defeated by Superman, an alien with super powers who would waste Kirk in a heartbeat. Anyone would lose to Superman. Only a weak-minded fool could lose to Kirk. And as far as genetics go, you must have been sleeping through Biology 101. It is the diversity of genes that causes genetic strength. Khan doesn't stand a chance--he will fall.
BRIAN: "It is the diveristy of genes that causes genetic strength"??!!! More so than genetic engineering???!!!!!! HELLO! Boy, good thing you're not an engineer, Steve. You'd never make it. Khan would win and everyone else on the Web but you knows it.
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Like all comic villains, Lex never finishes off his opponents in person, and leaves them in the seemingly impossible positions where he THINKS they will later die. Khan has no such weekness. Khan, on the other hand, would sooner watch Kirks brains ooze from his head than leave the dirty work up to someone else or to some bizzare contraption.
I agree both contestants have superior intellects. While Khan may have more stamina in a long series, I believe Luthor's devious mind will give him the edge. Khan will apply superior diligence and logically play the "best" move at the time given the "Fog of War" nature of the game. However, Luthor would have his flag in totally unpredictable places each game - and play in such a devious way that only an equally brilliant criminal mind could follow.
In other words, Khan may win the battle (end with more Marshalls and Generals), but Luthor would win the war (capture Khan's flag). The only danger would be in Luthor's bragging during the game, he may give away a game or two to Khan.
Another factor in Luthor's advantage is that there is more pressure on Khan. Khan especially, along with all intelligent humanoids, would crave the sight of Kirk's skull L'orange under glass so much that the pressure would be unbearable - even to a superior specimen of humanoid.
Albenton Francisco DiGregarionomous
From the comfort of his rich Corinthian leather chair, Khan will toy with Luthor, inciting Lex to make mistakes that spermatozoae wouldn't make. You also have to look at the resources that each competitor brings to the table:
Lex Luthor has cash and a few friends in high places, but it is limited to the planet earth. Khan, on the other hand, has a whole inter-galactic network of tricks up his sleeve. Khan has the advantage that he lives in Lex's future and you can bet that Khan will have learned from past mistakes made by humans and other life forms.
Finally, you have to look at the mood each warrior brings to the table: Luthor constantly loses to Superman, a being superior in all aspects; losing to Superman is nothing to be ashamed of. Khan will bring shame by the starshipfull; imagine the rage he feels in having lost to a stuttering captain with a bad hairpiece. Luthor will be lucky that Khan doesn't rip his head off. Knowing that he can have Kirk's head on a platter will focus Khan's energy into beating Luthor in four games straight. If Luthor is lucky, he will escape with his life, but don't bet on it. Khan is out for blood - Kirk's mostly - and he will take out anyone standing in his way.
Nuff said!
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