The Buildup: Two mysterious figures are roaming through the crowds contained within the world's largest retail space. One, dressed in a jaunty red sweater and toque arrangement, whisks past a trenchcoat clad female. Both turn to catch a glimpse of their competitor, but each has already disappeared into the crowd. The conflict begins. Who will emerge unfound?
The Competition: Our two combatants, Carmen Sandiego and the ever-unfindable Waldo must play a game of hide-and-seek within the confines of the gargantuan space of West Edmonton Mall... They shall both hide, and the first one to be found by the Terminator T-1000* shall be declared the loser (and terminated).
* The liquid metal terminator from T2: Judgment Day.
O.K., Waldo does have one chance: if he's so deceptive that even the T-1000 and the henchmen can't find him. Well, last time I checked, Waldo stuck out so bad that even a three-year-old could spot him. With that butt ugly bright red sweater and that goofy hat, he'd be better served to wear a billboard that says "I'm Waldo, come kill me". True, it is Canada, so you would expect more goofy hats and ugly sweaters than in the U.S., but he's still gonna be easily spotted. The way I see it, Waldo hides for a while, but then goes back to his nature: dissolving into a crowd of people doing a happy activity. Thus, he lets his guard down and spends a little too long at the NHL-sized ice rink (tm). One of the henchmen spot him and alert the T-1000, who proceeds post-haste to the rink. Walking past the skate rental booth (why would he need to rent skates?) and pushing aside the ticket taker, he glides across the ice and sends Waldo to that big penalty box in the sky.
STEVE: In your analysis you're forgetting two important points. First, Waldo is in his element. He thrives in the huge unseemly crowd that the Edmonton Mall is sure to provide. And he won't be as easy to spot as you suggest. First, as you mention, Canada is "The land where Toques were born" (oh, and ice too), so the toque will not help you spot him. Second, his red and white colors will be impossible to spot amongst the red Christmas decorations, white plastic snowflakes, and ubiquitous red and white Canadian flags. And a quick look around notes that backpacks and walking sticks are in vogue these days. I daresay that the T-1000 will have an extremely difficult time looking for Waldo. Carmen, however -- she will stand out like a sore thumb. With her trenchcoat and sombrero-sized hat she would be more at home in Paris or Rome (or any exotic location), but NOT Edmonton. Easy pickings for the T-1000.
Second, with Waldo's timeless charm comes compassion from the shopping crowds. When T-1000 asks "Have you seen this boy?", everyone will just shrug their shoulders. They don't want to be responsible for the death of such a Canadian-seeming folk hero. But Carmen is a criminal, and kind of shady-looking too. Everyone will be suspicious of her to begin with, and will turn her in at the first opportunity. As soon as she walks into a store, the manager will think she is going to shoplift something, and will call security. Of course, on the other end of the phone won't be security, but instead the T-1000 impersonating one of the security guards. (The actual guard has a 5-foot sharpened liquid-metal finger though his skull). T-1000 heads right down and makes quick work of the two-bit hussy.
BRIAN: Once again you set a trap and then waltz right into it. You make a valid point that backpacks and walking sticks are "in vogue" these days. But you forget that this is being held in Canada, which lags behind socially. While Waldo's accessorizing would help him blend in at an American mall, his lack of a butterfly collar or bangle bracelets will serve as a homing device.
And let's discuss further the topic that you lightly dance around: mall security. Carmen is a thief, pure and simple. What does that mean? Two things. One, she'll have no problem stealing clothes and changing in order to disguise her appearance. Waldo, unfortunately for him, has as many wardrobe options as Fred Flintstone or Gilligan. Two, Carmen could purposely get caught stealing things. How will this help her, you ask? It will release an army of over-60 rent-a-cops which will completely clog up the works. If the T-1000 sees Carmen, he'll try to go after her, but will find himself stuck behind a line of silver-haired sheriffs moving at a snail's pace. Have you ever tried to get around old people in the mall before? Impossible! And even if he does slice them all in two, there would be a second wave still in his way (just like in "Zulu"). By the time he gets through, Carmen has already hit the water slides.
And besides, everyone knows that every 45 seconds or so a woman very near Waldo will take off her clothes (to reveal a sexy bikini) and start table dancing. That draws attention. And if that doesn't do it, Eddie's seering guitar solo right in front of Waldo will bring the entire mall to a stand still and serve as a beacon right to our soon-to-be-fallen comrade. Siddown, Waldo (tm).
STEVE: Van Halen's musical antics are not going to be as noticed as you might think. With the T-1000 roaming around, Guns'n'Roses "You Could Be Mine" will be blaring away, greatly detracting from Eddie's videos. The women will flock to see Axl Rose, and thus all the men will follow.
Finally, Waldo will have protection. In a nearby store, Arnold and Sinbad are fighting over Turbo Man (tm) when Sinbad wollops Arnold over the head with a baseball bat. This action creates an interesting chain of events. First, Arnold's computer brain is kicked back into Terminator mode. Second, the blow damages some of the data stored in it; instead of protecting John Connor, he now must protect ... he scans the store for the first boy-like person he sees ... Waldo. Third, Arnold turns around to an aghast Sinbad and grabs him by the ear and throws him through a conveniently placed plate-glass window. With Arnold now on Waldo's side, there's no stopping him! Plus, the remaining shoppers are overjoyed to have Sinbad out of the picture, giving their undying gratitude to Arnold, and thus Waldo as well. With protection like this, Waldo will easily win.
Thanks to Chris Denschikoff for suggesting this match-up and scenario.
Also, our apologies to all of our Canadian fans out there. All meant in good fun!
Waldo (1102)says "Hasta la vista" toCarmen Sandiego (953) |
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Fact: Waldo is much more easy to find than the Connor kid, simply because of his colorful outfit. (This is assuming that Waldo cannot change clothes.)
Theory: The Terminator will be able to find Waldo with no trouble.
Fact: Everyone (more/less) knows and recognizes Waldo. When the Terminator holds up the photo of Waldo and asks "Have you seen this man?" - everyone and anyone who has been within 1000 feet of Waldo will remember it and point the Terminator in the right direction.
Fact: Nobody (more/less) knows or recognizes Carmen Sandiego. When the Terminator holds up the photo of Carmen and asks "Have you seen Carmen Sandiego?" - everyone will reply "Who in the world is Carmen Sandiego???" Unless the Terminator runs into those kids on the cartoon who always find Carmen, he's out of luck.
Fact: Carmen Sandiego is a woman. Women love to shop. When you go to a mall with a woman and split up - you will be sure to spend at least an hour looking for her, followed by two hours sitting on a bench hoping she finds you.
Fact: Waldo is a man. Men sit around on benches waiting for women (or Terminators, in this case) to find them.
Fact: My two year old cousin can find Waldo in "Waldo Book" in a few seconds.
Fact: My two year old cousin has not yet been able to finish the "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" CD-ROM computer game.
Theory: The Terminator can do just about anything my two year old cousin can do, and probably more.
Winner: Carmen Sandiego
Prediction: Waldo will be voted the winner, just because he is a more recognizable character. (which just goes to prove my point)
- The Grey Man
Since it is December, one can easily assume that the only people at the mall are locals. Edmonton's a nice place to be in, say, May, but in December it's gonna be forty below and smart tourists will be in Tahiti. The dumb tourists will have frozen to death getting to the mall.
So how does T-1000 disperse the crowd? Simple. He just heads over to the massive video display bank in front of the Brick and puts a copy of "Don Cherry's Rock 'em Sock 'em 8"(tm) into the VCR. This will instantly draw all Canadians present into the area to watch the hockey fights, vicious checks, and spearing penalties with assorted "Oooh"s, and "Oh, that's gotta hurt"s.* The only two people in the mall not genetically drawn to watch the hockey carnage will be Carmen and Waldo. Who will be the easier for the T-1000 to spot?
Carmen is dressed in trenchcoat and fedora. Not exactly inconspicuous, but certainly moreso than Waldo, who is always standing there facing you, waving and wearing that goofy "Hey, what's goin' on?" grin. While Carmen slips into the London Fog outlet, Waldo continues waving at the T-1000 even as he gets that bloody walking stick implanted where the sun don't shine (Edmonton).
- Thinkmaster General
(*Try this the next time you are in Canada. It really works!)
But Carmen's main downfall is inevitable -- Rockapella. Four geeks in loud suits singing in four-part harmony is tough to ignore. From the first melodic strains of "Well she sneaks around the world, from Berlin to Car-o-li-na..." as Carmen franticly urges them to shut up in hushed tones, Carmen's dead meat. The T-1000 auditory sensors pick up the disturbance immediately and home in. Either that, or the other holiday shoppers mob the faithful a cappella group (and Carmen simultaneously) and flog them to death after already being inundated with muzak disco versions of Oh Holy Night up the wazoo. Either way, the unshakable Rockapella directly causes Carmen's demise. QED.
- JMR, Cornell University
One ear-splitting scream later, 100 rent-a-cops (Canadian version) descend on Waldo. Through their combined doughnut enhanced mass, they manage to subdue the 98-pound weakling, and lead him away, when, out of the crowd, ala Jack Ruby, T-1000 appears, and ventilates Waldo in your choice of violent death.
- John Jordan
- Dave C.
Meanwhile, the T-1000 will go to the pharmacy, where there will be multitudes of stocking capped gen-Xers playing with the blood pressure machine and transform into whatever killing shape he deems most effective. Thinking one of them must have been Waldo, he will cockily leave the pharmacy to ask Carmen to the Skynet Christmas Party.
Carmen will fall prey to her irresistable attraction to travel agencies and stay there for the afternoon. When T-1000 finds her and asks her to the party, she will stunned at his ineptitude and exclaim, "You polymorphic bonehead!!" and in true supervillain fashion, she will expose the way to her downfall, "I just saw Waldo at Red Green's Belt Buckle Hut!! He's still alive!! Your job's not done!!"
With the realization that his mission has not been fulfilled, and seeing that is far easier to take out Carmen than to risk the embarassment of being seen in the belt buckle store, T-1000 will take out Carmen, pinning her to a Carnival Cruise Lines poster. T-1000 wil be inspired by this to pursue his next target, Kathy Lee Gifford, and Waldo will be free to assume control of Carmen's criminal empire.
- Vic "I've spent too much time at the mall" Wachter
- Waldo doesn't have a Barbershop quartet. The way I see it, those guys will be just barely into the opening credits, when they hit the harmonic resonance frequency of the T-1000, disabling it and allowing for Carmen Sandiego's nick of time escape. Meanwhile, Waldo is so busy hanging around that he, along with his dog, an innocent shopper, and a carton of milk, get skewered through the head.
In turn, the T-1000 turns his two arms into Garden Weasels (tm) and grinds Waldo into a red and white striped meaty pulp.
- Constantino "Rev. Trashy." Tobio, Jr.
- Rohit "I didn't use 'eh' once. Until now." Saxena
- Uncle Scoopy
- Mr. Boyko
The original T's vision system wasn't particularly great. It saw everything in shades of blue. Furthermore, its vision was obscured by numbers and letters and printouts of appropriate responses. The T-1000 was probably the same. Thus, Waldo's biggest disadvantage - his rather garish wardrobe choices - is neutralized.
However, in order to find Carmen Sandiego one must simply follow the clues. These clues are mostly geography related (though some may have to do with history) and are known to many 12 year olds. We know that the Terminator is programed with extensive knowledge of history and especially American geography or at least a city map of L.A circa 1985.
Carmen goes down. You, however, should come with me if you want to live. (TM)
- Loss Leader
Let's start with Waldo. I mean, have either of you ever even looked at a Waldo book? Lemme tell you, it's only easy to find the ubiquitous Waldo after a lot of practice...and he sure doesn't make it simple. No, sireebob. He throws in a ton of extra stuff you have to find. Look in the back of a Waldo book. There are checklists for every puzzle with at least 20 other items to locate in each one. Waldo'll be tossing out little trinkets, books, etc, and will also be magically causing funny little things to happen throughout the mall, like some caveman with running around with his loincloth on fire. Now THAT'S humor.
Using this devious ploy, Waldo will have little difficulty distracting the T-1000, which we all know will be busy by being skinny and grooming his massive, outlandish ears.
On the other hand, there's the feisty Carmen. Admittedly, she does have an army of arch-criminals at her disposal. But have you ever played a Carmen game before? These guys are the dopiest criminals to ever walk the earth (We won't get into the idea of criminals so "invisible" that they have game shows and CD-ROMS named after them). Besides, not only are they caught by munchkin game players all the time, but, when caught, these criminals routinely give up Carmen at the drop of a hat! Why do you think those games are so easy to beat? Carmen's army needs a lesson in loyalty.
No, that army of criminals won't do Carmen a bit of good. But the devious one has a secret weapon...ROCKAPELLA (tm)!!! Have you seen these guys sing? They have to be the biggest badasses of all time! Man, those pants, those suspenders...those sneakers! It's like Menudo (tm)...only cooler! With these guys, Carmen can easily outwit the moronic T-1000, which, despite being a state-of-the-art mimetic polyalloy (tm), still didn't know better than to leave Arnie for dead. I mean, seriously...he's Arnie.
Finally, we have to introduce one last piece of evidence. When, at last, it seems that Carmen and Waldo have exhausted themselves eluding the T-1000, he'll disappear for 35 minutes, allowing Waldo and Carmen to take off across the border and head for Mexico, where they'll be able to stock up on liquor and heavy artillery and lie in wait for the mechanical menace that will, unfortunately, wandering aimlessly through the mall, stabbing anyone wearing a trenchcoat.
Final Outcome...DRAW.
- Matt "Robert Patrick is a wimp" Lynch
2.) Waldo could hide behind the giant neon guitar outside the Hard Rock Cafe (didn't know about that one, did you?)
- Guy Smiley in Edmonton
HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE - None. Neither party would be at an advantage in the Edmonton Mall.
TIME TRAVEL ADVANTAGE - None. Both parties have been known to travel back and forth in time. It wouldn't help anyway, since the Terminators(tm) can travel in time as well.
THE TECHNOLOGY DISADVANTAGE - Carmen. Carmen first appeared on home PCs. The vastly superior computer of the future (Skynet?) would be able to bypass any security measures that could possibly exist on an Apple IIe. Once the computer of the future found Carmen on Johnnie's hard drive, it would be a simple matter to delete her. Waldo, on the other hand, exists primarily in printed form.
As much as I hate to say it, I'll have to change my original vote and go with Waldo.
- Obscurifer
- Chuck Donovan - Virginia
- Your garden-variety (and mall-avoiding) Slug
Carmen meanwhile would have her own run-ins with a gaggle of overzealous mall security gaurds all wanting to be the first to grab her and make the big leap into real crime-fighting.
The T-1000 meanwhile would wander into Sharper Image or some other such store and be immediately purchased by Bill Gates (TM), or Michael Jackson (TM), or some other idiot with too much money (TM).
- Stephen "Just Stephen" Johnson
- Marty, The Burrower Beneath, Sweden
- Jeffrey Kolb, Hamilton College
- Michael Moon
- The Listmeister
- Brendan W. Guy
Herein lies Waldo's faint yet crucial advantage. NO SURNAME! The T-1000, like his faithful brethren, will run for The Yellow Pages (tm) and left with the option to requisition either 'SanDiego, Carmen' or '?, Waldo',... well, I think you know where the finger will stop, in that fateful close-up.
T-1000, finding paydirt with 'SanDiego', won't even get to stage two (listening to the answering machine messages) with our bestriped man of mysterious origins. Just who are Waldo's parents, anyway?
- The Estradalizer
- Banff man
First, though Carmen may have henchmen, Waldo has a dog, a girlfriend, and a wizard helping him. *POOF* What henchmen?
Second, Waldo is in his element. Carmen is used to having whole countries/worlds/solar systems/timescapes to hide in, and avoids capure by fleeing from site to site. Waldo, however, is used to hiding in plain sight in a single crowded scene. Carmen won't know what to do when she finds all the mall doors locked.
Third, even if Carmen succeeds in fleeing from store to store ahead of the T-1000, she can be found with logical deduction. Ol' T will simply question the people in the first store, who will say "There was a woman here who was looking for dogfood. She wore a big red hat." which will lead the killer robot, after searching his on-line atlas/almanac/encyclopedia/mall guide, to the pet shop, where he will ask more questions, and eventually track her down. Waldo, on the other hand, can only be found with right-brain leaps of intuition and visual thinking, which the T-1000 is utterly lacking.
- Joel Limmer
Waldo, however, is dressed head to toe in polyester weaves.
Big deal, you say? Not when the T-1000 switches on his infra-red body heat-sensing terminator vision (also tm). In infra-red mode, Carmen will look like a store mannequin while Waldo sticks out like the cheaply-dressed dog that he is. Bang, bang. Scratch one Waldo.
- Pete Van Dyke
Who does Carmen hide from? Older children, who not only have computers but also are members of the ACME Detective Agency.
Obviously, Carmen's the one with the skills.
Not only that: Carmen goes from one place to another, always staying a step ahead of her pursuers. Waldo stands still! He just stands there? You call this hiding? T-1000 goes to the top floor, looks down, does an image analysis, finds them both. By the time he gets to where they were, Carmen is gone (though someone remembers her saying she was going to check out a reproduction of "Persistence of Vision" in the poster shop) but Waldo is still standing right there, like a target.
Waldo is found in 30 minutes. Carmen steals the skating rink.
- Denis Moskowitz
- Smutton
Carmen does have a surname, thereby making her exponentially easier to track, especially as she'd leave a credit history as she drifted around the mall which would be as easy to follow as an oil spill from a leaking supertanker. Wal, conversely, is a poor backpacker who would sparingly use his meagre supply of hard cash.
Wally/Waldo will be thumbing a lift while Carmen's last gasps are caught by a concerned onlooker: "She said she was going to visit-- uh- - Rama Krishnu by the Silver Shores of the Celestial City?"
Yes folks, she's travelled the world, she's tripped through time, now visit the Halls of Valhalla, the Seven levels of Hades, the Happy Hunting Ground, and MORE in "Where in the Afterlife is Carmen Sandiego?"(tm)
- John Hunter
Meanwhile, in another part of the Mall:
In LaSenza, one of Canada's best known female unmentionables shop, a bright white ball of light appears. A nude man is laying on the floor. He stands up and goes over to the cashier.
"Yer black-lace teddies. Gib dem to me."
Back at Red's, the T-1000 sees many people rushing by, murmuring something about a cross-dressing Ah-nold in Galaxyland(tm). Everybody clears out of the pub and heads to see this unusual sight.
With everybody out of the way, the T-1000 finds it much easier to locate Carmen, who spent most of her time wandering around Sears' audio/visual department, watching one of her crooks get nabbed on PBS. *zap*
Ah, but Where's Waldo(tm)? Waldo, helped immensely by his niceguy/dweeb stereotype, finds hiding spots where no one would suspect him by shedding his nice guy image. First it was to the cheap dollar theatre, catching a few screenings of Showgirls. Then, off to West Ed's most popular "family restaurant" (Honestly! That's what the sign says!), Hooters(tm)!
Thus, while Waldo's relieving some "stress", a Mall sanitation engineer is called to mop up carnage in Phase I.
- Jim Smith
As soon as the T-1000 scans a large crowd... BAM! Target lock! Moron in a red and white sweater at 12 o'clock! Termy moves in and wastes the Waldster in 2 minutes flat!
The fun doesn't end there though...
Carmen, via her Hench Men (tm), learns the origins of the T-1000 and decides to check out this horrible future herself. Using the time machine she had from Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (tm, I mean it this time!) she hops up the time line a few decades. Once there she sees an oportunity. Using her experiance in stealing improbable objects (Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon, ect.) she sniches SKY NET! After reprograming the Netmiester Carmen finds herself in control of a massive army of terminators. She would quickly incorporate them into the V.I.L.E. super structure and soon millions of Arnold look alikes would be stealing monuments and land marks across all of time and space. Carmen ends up ruler of the universe, and just for laughs has Waldo taken alive and made her boy toy.
- Theo
Now Carmen's cocky as hell. Not only is she daring enough to steal giant treasures of the world (she's probably only at Edmonton because she's got the Great Pyramid of Cheops stashed in the basement.), but she leaves _clues_ for anyone looking for her. Clues, by the way, which are solved everyday by any kid with a home computer and an encyclopedia. How hard is it going to be for a state of the art, top of the line robot to solve these "clues"? And let's not forget this robot is a hundred years ahead of its time, and _designed to find people_.
Even if T-1000 can't solve the Case of the Corny Canadian Carmen Clue(tm), he can always Just wait till the mall closes. While Waldo has carefully hidden himself in a Canadian flag display with spare hats strung across the store, Carmen will radio for some sort of gyro-plane, jump on the rope ladder, and fly out the skylight, the wind blowing her trenchcoat off one leg. She'll spout some stupid quip like, "Better luck next time, Terminator, Tut, Tut for now!" And this will get the T-1000's attention in less than a millisecond. Of course, unlike her other opponents, Arnold won't just stand around watching her escape termination. He'll blow her away with the shotgun he borrowed from the now defunct mall security. Three days later, Waldo leaves the mall and hops a private plane to Syria, under the name "Solon G. Sucker".
Waldo in less than 94 hours.
- Mike Smith
Carmen, on the other hand, is a fish out of water. She's only got one time period and one geographical area to hide in? Also, let's not forget Carmen's unbelievable facility to let people see her entering and leaving crime scenes. With this kind of evidence trail to follow, Wendy and Marvin from the old "Super Friends" cartoon could find her, much less the Officer Friendly/T-1000. Her only hope is if the T-1000 runs off to assault Burt Reynolds with a golf club (now that's an arcane film reference). Even then, he'll probably take a bit of spare time off and send a few 9mm shells Carmen's way. Game, set, and match, Waldo.
- Thomas Wilde
- poor henpecked bastard
- touch a small child
- use that child's voice to cry loudly that "I can't find him!"
Eventually Waldo will kindly take pity and step out of the shadows and announce cheerily, "Never fear, little one! Here I am! 'Tis all in good fun!" Then he gets his flesh torn off.
- D. Hyatt
- Matt
A gaggle of tykes, well trained by several Waldo books and innumerable Sunday strips, are shouting "I see him! I see him!" Rather than waste time choosing between curtains, T-1000 follows them to his other quarry. Waldo tries desperately to hide, but the children are too eagle-eyed and persistent. Soon, however, they run screaming from the gory spectacle.
Meanwhile, Carmen has almost slipped out of Victoria's Secret before her criminal urges strike, and she shoplifts two pairs of lace-topped stockings. The aforementioned store security descend on her, and before any of her henchmen can come to break her out of the back room, T-1000 returns to finish the job (and pick a nice corset out of the wreckage for himself).
Carmen wins a pyrrhic victory, and Fox buys the security-cam videos of the carnage for a special: "Retail Slaughters II".
- Call me Shane
- P.B.
Waldo and Carmen are both really easy to find, but Waldo's designed for ages 3+ while Carmen requires 7+. While the T-1000 is indeed an upgraded model, let's remember that Arnold's Teminator didn't come back with enough knowledge to know the address of the correct Sarah Connor! How the heck is the T-1000 going to know all of the minutia about states. countries, and history to decipher all of the stupid clues that "helpful" people provide, assuming that the T-1000 can get around it's poor people skills? Carmen's going to go to ground, staying one step ahead of the T-1000.
Waldo's always wearing that stupid outfit. Who _knows_ what Carmen's got under that big trenchcoat? If she can walk off with the Eifel Tower(TM), she's got to have something pretty impressive.
Meanwhile, the T-1000 has _got_ to notice the idiot always grinning at him from various places. Carmen's never around; Waldo always has to be in line of sight. Sooner or later, T-1000's going to pick up on it, and Waldo's going to be a wet pile of goo with a stocking cap, glasses and a cane.
- Reverend
All that the T-1000 needs to do in order to find Madame Mystery herself is consult the handy-dandy World Almanac(TM) that he was supplied with since he decided that he wanted to obliterate Carmen. Since the T-1000's mission is to kill and not to take to jail, he is unhampered by the need to obtain a warrant, or observe any other rules that an Acme Slueth(TM) must follow. As he searches for Carmen, a strange woman approaches him and asks him, "What is the largest mall in Canada?" Pausing for only a second, T-1000 whips out the Almanac(TM) and answers, "The West Edmonton Mall." Upon answering the question correctly, T-1000 is instantly transported to the antique handkerchief store where he finds Carmen attempting to steal the Klinger Rag, the ancient holy symbol of northwestern Toledo.
On the other hand, if our fearless T-1000 goes in search of the elusive Waldo, he gets no outside help. He only gets the jeering of thousands of other people who wonder why he is so inept that he hasn't found Waldo yet. T-1000 being as technoloically advanced as he is, decides to take snap shots of scenes to try and find Waldo. After hours and hours of fruitless searching, T-1000 finally spots what he thinks is Waldo. As he moves towards the spot, all he finds is one of the other people that look strikingly like Waldo, yet is not exactly him. By this time, Waldo has already left the mall and is currently touring the Pyramids of Egypt, followed immedately by a circus in Toledo.
- Bamf - The 8th member of Koolio & the Gang
T-1000 is passing by the skating rink when he suddenly spots Waldo, but wait it's two Waldos. Actually it's Bob and Doug MacKenzie on their way play some pickup hockey. They're wearing red toques, to go with their Detroit RedWings sweaters (the gift shop was out of Oilers), carrying their hockey sticks, and equipment bags slung over their shoulders. So they do look a bit like Waldo from a distance.
Inside T-1000's head its micro-processor is going ... "Malfunction....Malfunction...all circuits overload....POP!" It staggers backwards, and falls against an NHL-97 video game. Zap, the T-1000 is re-programmed, he morphs into Wendel Clark, drops his gloves an proceeds to get 5 and a game for fighting.
With T-1000 heading to an early shower, Waldo and Carmen have no choice but to call off their contest and head for the nearest bar to watch the Leafs loose again.
- (Stoppin') Tom Landers.
- Akhamed
- The Great Omniscient Lord Jeremy
- jeff
With his high-tech array of robotic sensor equipment, the T-1000 will spot Waldo in no time. All that will remain is a melted pair of glasses and a curl of smoke, while Carmen, ever elusive, will refuse to come out of hiding to even accept her WWWF title.
- Tarot Lady
- The Lone Gunmen
- Rick Whitehead
The T-1000 is still searching randomly through the crowd when it senses a disturbance at a computer store and begins walking really fast and with that T-1000 fierce determination in that direction.
Waldo is now playing the game and narrowing down the possibilities of Carmen's position. Even Waldo can solve these puzzles. Arnold spots the T-1000's approach and prepares a defense.
Carmen is still hiding away in the trench coat cubicle being eyed suspiciously by a mall security guard, who being politely Canadian, asks if he can help her. Carmen relates her story to him. The security guard immediately begins mobilization efforts for the entire mall security force.
The T-1000 is immediately set upon by one security guard after another who politely ask him what is going on. not being one for talk, one by one the T-1000 skewers the security guards, each slowing him down by a second or two.
Waldo is getting closer to finding Carmen.
Arnold grabs red christmas ribbon from the store shelves, counters, windows, etc. and begins rapping Waldo's chest in the red ribbon. Removing Waldo's hat effectively makes him look like Gilligan from behind in his ever present red shirt and jeans.
With a shish kebab of Edmonton Mall security guards, the T-1000 apporaches the computer store. Waldo has found Carmen Sandiego. The computer screen shows she is still taking refuge in the seemingly safe London Fog cubicle. Arnold says to Waldo, "Come on little buddy." in a questionable accent. But it's curtains for... Carmen. The T-1000 sees her on the monitor, turns tail and makes a speeding dash for the London Fog store.
In his mad dash across the mall, the T-1000 assumes the form of a security guard he killed. On reaching the store, the "security guard" approaches Carmen. She breathes a sigh of relief, "Is everything alright?" The T-1000, not much for conversation, lances her through the gut with a liquid metal arm, raises her above his head, and walks off with a brand new London Fog umbrella.
- Rich
- Rex Felis, Lord of the Cats
Becuase playing "Where in the World is Carmen Sanidiego?" is
unalterably boring. The T-1000 will soon grow tired of constantly
disovering the location of Carmen's henchpersons, and I find it hard
to believe that he will care too much about advancing in rank at the
ever-prestigious Acme Detective Agency ("Good job! You are now a
Detective First-Claaaaaaaggggahhhaggggag!!!!
Everyone finds Waldo in the end, and soon all that will remain of him
is a blood soaked sweater and broken glasses, lying disconsolately on
the floor of the Food Court.
- Shaft
Allow me to elaborate. Within two minutes of entering the West
Edmonton Mall Carmen, Waldo and the T-1000 are identified by the
advanced security system installed by Scotty and the crack security
force led by Captain Kirk leaps into action. With the combined forces
of Baltar *and* Commander Adama providing air cover, the crack
investigative team of detectives Nick Knight, Jeff "Martial Law"
Wincott, lawyer Perry Mason, forensic scientist Sam Fujiyama and
Lt Frank Drebin take the lead. Led by the demonstrably-superior-
to-all-things-American Corporal Benton Frasier, the investigators
locate our two fugitives within twenty minutes.
Carmen is shipped off to Immigration for entering the country
illegally while Waldo is held under suspicion of drug use (he
even looks like a pot-smoking-cocaine-snorting-American junkie).
Now the only thing that remains is the T-1000. Clearly, this
requires the Big Boys(tm).
First, Marty McFly hops into the DeLorean and does some recce
in the past. Max Headroom and Johnny Mnemonic hack the computer
system to prevent the T-1000 from accessing it to try and find an
escape. Klingon troops led by General Chang and Kor surround the
building to prevent the metamorphic bozoid from escaping with
Starfleet grunts under Lt Valeris providing tech support. Tonto
scouts out the interior and locates the robot. Assigned for this
mission to its captain's authority, the SeaQuest surfaces in the
submarine tour pool and targets weapons. The T-1000, realizing it's
outgunned, tries to run but is delayed by cable repair man singing
Jefferson Airplane songs, some guy in a green suit with question marks
and a weirdo in a Mask (there's some other guy running around named
Ace who has a monkey but he doesn't count). It tries to slither
down a drain but finds its way blocked by secret government agents
who specialize in freaks led by Cancer Man and Donald "Puppet Masters"
Sutherland, not to mention a bunch of teenybopper vampires led by
Finally there is a resounding CRASH and Superman, guided by Lois
Lane, swoops down to protect the land of his co-creator while
Supergirl herself joins the attack. Perry Mason makes a quick call
to his pal Godzilla and Fay Wray to her buddy King Kong and *smoosh*,
they're selling "Terminator Silver Silly Putty" in the local Toys 'R
After the victory the troops are entertained by The Kids in the Hall,
half the cast of Saturday Night Live, Alanis Morissette, Bryan Adams
and Rush.
So there, yankee scum. Insult Canajuns, will ya?
- Keith "Oh, Canada" Morrison
What about Alex Trebek (tm)?
- Janice
- Jared Hinman
- Brian Kutner
But she makes one fatal mistake.
It's a Calgary Flames jersey. 'Nuff said. (Result: After 1700 Oilers
fans are through with her, the T-1000 finishes her off)
- Deejay
- Felicia 'Cheers' Reevers
- David Nelson
- lynnmh
- Smaller is better... I must suck.
1) the superior taste of our beer, which compared to US competitors is
said to be like honey is to dogpiss and
As was noted in your T-1000 summary that you provide for the sci-fi
challenged, the T-1000 freezes up in the cold. Since we are talking
about Edmonton in the winter here, the climate is working against the
T-1000. The average winter temperature in Edmonton, as anyone who has
lived there could tell you, is absolute zero, a temperature that the
T-1000 can't handle. Waldo, is wearing a toque, which as any Canadian
will be able to tell you, will protect you from temperatures that one
would normally associate with winters on Pluto.
So, Waldo makes a dash outside and starts waving his arms about
violently in order to:
1) stay warm and
This brilliant 180 degree about face in his normal strategy confuses
the T and he immediately sets out in hot pursuit. As he nears his
victim, he begins to feel the cold and, just as he is about to rend
poor Waldo limb from limb, he freezes as solid as an iceberg.
But that's not all.
Waldo, cunning little toque clad git that he is, realizes that the
game ain't over until the lady with the trenchcoat is toast, has a
cunning plan. He slips back inside the mall after securing the T-1000
in a nearby freezer truck (very common in Canada, if the temperature
starts to warm, the doors to millions of strategically placed freezer
trucks are simultaneously opened to ensure that the fragile winter
eco-system remains stable), and goes to the nearest Starbucks stand
for a well deserved Latte and Chocolate Chip muffin. Buzzing on
caffeine and chocolate, Waldo slips through Carmen's web of henchmen,
finds Waldo (set a thief to catch a thief, set a hider to catch a
hider) and finds Carmen.
Quietly, cunningly, Waldo clubs Carmen over the head and spirits her
out to the trailer. He puts her in the back with the still frozen
T-1000 and adjusts the temperature in said reefer until the T-1000
comes back to life. The t-1000 then sees Carmen, rips her arm off, and
beats her to death with the wet end in typical grisly, terminator
Waldo Wins. Carmen Dies....justiccccce.
- Beer-swilling, toque wearing, rabidly nationalistic Canuck.
- Doug
- M.W. & M.T.
- Beowulf
Carmen Sandiego runs on PeeCees, Macs, and even the venerable
Apple II. The most cycles Carmen has at her disposal is either
a large PowerMac, or a Pentium Pro (TM).
The T-1000 has a whole air-conditioned room full of large UNIX (TM)
machines, and possibly even real Supercomputers (TM), rendering
Waldo has no computing power, but has his mind, and the imaginations
of all of his readers. As shown in the first Terminator movie,
human ingenuity can conquer even the Ahhnold-style Terminator.
Since the Ahhhnold-style Terminator beat the T-1000, one can use
transitivity to prove that human ingenuity can beat the T-1000.
Besides, did you ever ever see Bill Gates and Waldo in the same
room at the same time?
- Dan McD.
- Marisa A.
When I first encountered this problem, I thought it was a no-brainer.
But last night I had a life changing experience. I WENT TO OUR LOCAL
MALL. Unbelievable. A woolly mammoth could remain hidden for weeks.
This is indeed a very special problem.
Ever wonder how shopping malls are able to stuff so many humans into a
small space. It is because they license a special mall version of
People Krunch compression from the fine folks at PKZIP (tm). And during
the Christmas season, they use it with the -ex option, thereby insuring
a full quarter of the Earth's population will be in the Edmonton Mall at
any given moment. It will be almost impossible to touch yourself (c)
much less navigate effectively. The T-1000 must employ a strategy.
Since John Conner is still alive, it has defaulted into its second
program: disrupt the government so that it is leaderless, bewildered and
dazed (need I say more?) and unable to defend themselves in the coming
machine takeover. The WWWG programmers find the T-1000 in Washington DC
where the terminator has just iced Newt Gingrich. The WWWG programmers
perform their magic and the T-1000 is off to Edmonton with a very
vigorous trip involving tractor trailer rigs, helicopters, latching onto
the backs of cars, etc. Once in Edmonton Mall the real action begins.
Upon arrival, the T-1000 quickly discovers the futility of searching for
his targets in this human quagmire. The T-1000, now in the form of a LA
cop wielding a nightstick, is able to bludgeon his way to the mall
office. Being that it is the Christmas buying season and someone yelled
something about a Tickle Me Elmo (tm) doll, no one seems to notice
anything out of the ordinary. Inasmuch as the T-1000 can only mimic
SIMPLE machines, upon entering the mall office he does that morph thingy
(tm) into Newt Gingrich and begins spewing some horse hooey about
Contract with the Consumers. Soon all the managers come pouring out of
their offices arguing over their budgets only to be confronted with
hogwash about M&Ms (tm) and airline seats. Before long the budget of
the mall collapses and the mall closes for THREE WEEKS! With all mall
employees furloughed and the public locked out, the T-1000 can navigate
freely to find his targets, the ONLY TWO remaining in the mall hidden:
Locating either target actually is surprisingly easy. Since the T-1000
is still in the shape of Newt, both Carmen and Waldo begin heaving
whenever he gets close. Since Waldo has velcroed (tm) himself to the
Wendy's (tm) hamburger sign and Carmen was in a clothing rack on the
floor, Carmen is closer and gets the point. :(
However this story does have a happy ending. The T-1000/Newt, with his
programming complete meanders back to Washington where he was originally
reprogrammed. Program complete, he slumps into the speakers chair and
shuts down. The republicans love this, since he is no longer constantly
sticking his feet in his mouth, and the democrats, I should say, are
quite overjoyed. The T-1000/Newt in this comatose state becomes one of
the most effective legislators in modern history. All is smooth until
during a heated joint session of congress someone kicks Newt re-engaging
his "Kill"" programming. The resulting 23 minutes of Bipartisan
Congressional Carnage (tm) is captured by C-SPAN (tm), who make a mint
off the video on Pay-Per-View (tm). The T-1000 disappears (does that
floor thingy (tm)) before Muldar and Scully arrive and is never heard
from again. Newt becomes a legendary American Folk Hero (tm) as a man
who finally knows how to deal with congress.
- mattchew
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© 1996, WWWF Grudge Match; © 2000, Dragon Hamster Productions, LLC
Ha ha ha! You fools! Clearly the winner of this alledged competition
is blatantly obvious. Actually winner*s*. All 28 000 000 of them.
Silly, easily fooled boys. Carmen and Waldo were just a front to
distract all of the other shoppers. T-1000 was really looking for the
last Tickle-me-Elmo doll in Canada to give to his kid, T-1001. Try to
stay on the ball, guys.
You both have left one thing out. I am from Edmonton (I don't
however wear a butterfly collar, but do have a backpack). It is cold
up here. I mean really cold. The T-1000 would freeze and shatter in
the parking lot. He won't find either until summer (which is June 21
12:00 PM to 12:30 PM) when he melts and is able to reform.
Waldo is the epitome of chaos. Everywhere he goes, seemlingly normal
people begin to act like complete buffoons, vehicles of every sort
swerve out of control, edifices of every architecture sway precariously.
If the Lord of Chaos can affect all matter, why would he not affect the
T-1000? Surely as soon as the T-1000 gets within 50 yards of Waldo he
will find himself ducking anvils, coconuts and the like. Even the
T-1000's sophisticated computer cannot track an infinite number of
moving objects. So he fixates on the only still object in the room:
Carmen -- relying on her proven tactic of hiding to elude the T-1000.
The security guards are never sure where that red stain on the wall came
Carmen doesn't stand a chance. In her infinite wisdom, she stops by
Sport Chek and purchases a hockey jersey. Hockey? Canada? No
problem, she'll blend in perfectly!
Personally, I'd like the T-1000 to terminate them both!! I have a 5 year
old and a 7 year old who think Waldo is a God! I also have a 12 year old
who thinks Carmen Sandiego is 'the Bomb'. I've killed millions of brain
cells looking for both of them. But, I've found Carmen a lot more than
I've found Waldo. Let's face it, after staring at one of those Waldo
pictures for more than five minutes, all you want is a federal law
banning them and a good stiff drink! And if it is at all possible,
could you have 'Barney' standing next to Carmen when the T-1000 finds
Well, as a red-blooded canuck who's *been* to the West Edmonton Mall,
I'd have to say that circumstances definitely favour Carmen. Yes,
striped sweaters and toques are in (in fact, they're a prequesite if you
want to immigrate to Canada) but the colours (note the spelling of
"colours" -- with a "u", the proper way) of choice this year are, for
some reason, browns and earthy greens. Also, Canadians just aren't as
patriotic as our cousins to the south. That means few, if any, red and
white flags. Carmen, however, would be smart enough to see the fashion
trend and make a switch accordingly. Waldo relies on never being caught
in the first place. But the only way he could hide from T-1000 in the
West Edmonton Mall is by hanging out in front of a barber shop,
impersonating the barber pole.
Carmen can just hang around one of those fragrance shops, or the
cosmetics counter of a big department store. The clerks will be
spraying everyone walking by with perfume samples, thus protecting
Carmen from the T-1000. Even the T-1000 is not immune to overdoses of
the latest smelly concoction from Liz Taylor or Calvin Klein! She will
prevail, to steal again.
Well look at this... you have overlooked a VERY important fact. Both
Carmen and Waldo are normal human size aren't they?--Think again!!!
You see, Carmen has been identified as human, but Waldo always appears
very very small and is used to be surrounded be small people... or are
they people??? I have reason to believe that Waldo may not be HUMAN!!
If he were human, he'd be the world's smallest miget-boy that ever
existed! You see, I believe that Waldo is actually part of a
'playful-yet-destructive' alien race that is just trying to get on our
good sides to unexpectedly commence an intergalactic war!!! Oh, I can
see it all now, the plasma cannons firing, the green little men flying
around! Oh, the humanity! The horror! Well, back to the situation
in progress. Waldo will be so small that nobody will be able to see
him. What's that? You think he might get stepped on? No way. Not
Waldo! Waldo has been known for his hiding abilities. If he's this
good, he must be fairly agile as well! The way I see it, Waldo won't
even be spotted, and Carmen will be turned into a nice, red, chunky
paste. But hey, we've gotta give Carmen some credit. She has, of
course, had her own share of 'run from the killer' situations. But
she can't hold out forever, and that's where Waldo will surely
As you point out continually in your analysis of the match, it is
Canada. Despite the fact that Canada lags behind socially (gotta tell
you that means a lot coming from a country where it is legal to buy
beer, scotch and a handgun in the same store) and the fact that Canada
has, essentially, bad hats (also means alot coming from a country
that started this retro 70's thing that we are all suffering through
once again...hey, you were the guys that started that in the first
place, why, I oughtaa....), Canada is renowned for two other things:
2) the really cold weather.
2) **atract** the T-1000's ire.
Well, this one was a tough call. While at first glance,
Waldo and Carmen appear to be experts at hiding, but first
impressions are decieving. Waldo, while good at camoflauge,
is hamstrung by his arrogance. He's always got to peek out
around the object he's hiding behind, instead of having the
good sense to stay hidden. This flaw will quickly be exposed
(along with several of his interior organs) by the T-1000.
As we all know, Ivy and Zack are already looking for Carmen for the many
crimes she has committed. The Chief would naturally have sent any
information regarding the current whereabouts of Carmen so as not to
allow her to escape justice once more. The T-1000 would have been
distracted from Waldo by Dan Quayle who, due to the hilarious spin-off
book "Where's Dan Quayle?", would have been hiding in the Edmonton Mall
also while searching for a dicitionary to learn the proper spelling of
potato(or is it potatoe?). Waldo would emerge victorious being carried
out on the shoulders of thousands of screaming three year old Canadians
who have finally found him for the first time only to have him disappear
once again.
Carmen has a secret weapon -- no one knows what's under the
trenchcoat! As the T-1000 approaches, she flashes him. Whatever is
under the coat is good enough to surprise him for a few seconds. The
henchmen then throw T-1000 through another handy plate glass window
and into the Canadian winter, which easily reaches liquid nitrogen
temps. The T-1000 freezes solid, a few whacks with a Louisville
slugger, and the terminator is reduced to ball-bearings. Since he
won't thaw back out into liquid for at least eight months (if ever --
this is Canada!), Carmen escapes. Waldo, happy to drift forever in
the mall crowds, is left to face a defrosted T-1000 now sporting a bad
attitude and a splitting headache.
Oh man, it's a no-brainer. It all boils down to compute power:
Carmen, definitely.I mean, think about it. Even if Waldo DID pay
hundreds of little kids to dress like him as decoys, Carmen would be the
one. Have you ever read this guy's books? He is always dropping stuff.
His keys, his cane, I think he even lost his wife once. All Terminater
would have to do would be following his trail of assorted junk while
Carmen plotted to steal the Natural History Museum.
Wait! Wait! I need to change my vote! :(
Captain Kangaroo v. Mister Rogers
Barney v. Wesley
Men in Black v. Mork
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