Dom's "Fortune Favors the Bald" response from Maximus vs. Spartacus
I have been notoriously silent on this issue for a number of reasons: on one
hand, I've been really busy with work and had even less time than before to
commit to anything that doesn't involve work, sleep, diaper changes, or
cooking. On the other hand, I am still interested in having an outlet for
come more, um... creative writing. That's not to say that Grudge Match isn't
the resource, but the fight concept has run its creative course for me.
That is kind of sad, since, after Steve and Brian, I have been following and
contributing to the site since pretty much the beginning. But, in terms of
Internet time, 10 years is a HELL of a long time to have lasted with any
degree of popularity, quality, and success. Better to go out before people
start comparing us to Cher or Elton John.
As for my creative writing outlet: I have found a new resource which is
different, yet somehow contains a link to the Grudge. is one
of the in places to visit for reality TV haters. I have been lurking for a
very long time, but started posting a few months ago. I obviously made an
impression, as they asked me to write a Survivor summary. How does
this relate to the Grudge, you might ask: well we were mocking Survivor in
the second TOC before making fun of Survivor was cool. Check it out!
- Hotbranch!
Okay, time to scare myself. It was mid-1996 when I first discovered this site. That is nine years ago - where does the time go? - and that still makes me a latecomer among the commentators, perhaps the latest of them. I made up for lost time, winning a Response of the Week for my very first match. (No hints. This is your impetus to search our voluminous archives.) One thing led to another, and Grudge Match became a big part of my life.
This site contains just about everything Grudge Match ever did, but I want to spend a moment to reminisce about a part most of you never saw. In 2002 and 2003, other commentators and I performed a trio of Live Grudge Matches at science fiction conventions across the country. It was kinda my idea: I am a science fiction writer, and I knew that con audiences would probably appreciate our off-center humor. And, yeah, they did.
The format was familiar, though with substantial modifications. The host (always me) would give the match scenario, accompanied by Powerpoint slides (and occasional music and sound effects) chosen to establish the scene and to be just plain silly. The two commentators would trade arguments, backed up by more silly images, some created but mostly ripped off from the Internet (and occasionally Photoshopped). Then came the responses, from three brave volunteers from the SF community, ad-libbing for all they were worth. Finally, audience voting would determine a match winner, as well as the best commentator. We always adapted classic matches, though with plenty of new material, and we could get in three matches in just over an hour.
Paul Golba was always one of the commentators, and handled putting together the Powerpoint slides. The second commentator slot rotated. Thinkmaster handled it at Boskone (Boston area con) in February 2002; Brian winged from Georgia to San Jose in August 2002 for ConJose, which was the World Science Fiction Convention that year; Dave Nelson assumed the mantle for Boskone in 2003.
There is no way to recreate what we did in mere words. You truly had to be there. I can just share a few high points:
*During one response vote, the instant of absolute silence when we called for votes for responder Dave Howell. Then came the laughter; then came Dave storming out of the room in high dudgeon. He was, of course, playing the moment for laughs. Darn good sport.
*Our desperate pre-show search for a replacement responder at Con Jose when someone dropped out late. We found Adam-Troy Castro at almost the last minute, and he promptly won the commentator's prize. (He also suggested our Pac-Man/Tribbles match, and still gets the giggles whenever he thinks about us.)
*Time managed to ripen one of our greatest matches, John McClane vs. the Death Star. Die Hard 3 and a pair of Star Wars prequels gave us the chance to weave in Samuel L. Jackson on McClane's side, with the classic admonishment, "Do not mess with the brother with the extra-long light-sabre." And we had the slightly retouched picture of Mace Windu to match. Of course, Paul then had to note that Mace almost got beaten by battle droids, a group even Jar-Jar Binks could defeat, meaning Mace was likely to come up, ahem, a little bit short. And we had the slightly retouched... oh, you get the idea.
*But the ultimate climax to Live Grudge Match came in the commentary for that very match, our last at Boskone 2003. In his turn, responder Michael Burstein got up an began declaiming the virtues of his man: the long Senate tenure, the near-miss at a Presidential nomination ... until Ian Randal Strock reminded him that we were talking about John McClane, not John McCain. Michael gave a perfect "Never mind," and brought the house down. And our audience promptly voted the senior senator from Arizona the match over both Bruce Willis and the Death Star. We could never top that, so we didn't try.
I'm grateful to Paul, Thinkmaster, Brian, and Dave for being part of all that. I also gratefully acknowledge our crack response teams: Esther Friesner, Bob Eggleton, Dave Howell, Adam-Troy Castro, Ian Randal Strock, Michael A. Burstein (who really was kidding about the mix-up), and especially Keith DeCandido, who was a commentator for all three Live Grudge Matches ... and came in second in the overall voting each time. Well, he's consistent.
As for Grudge Match, Da Original Web Site, thanks go out to ... well, everybody. To all the commentators, starting with Brian and Steve, without whose inspiration none of this would have been possible. (I still want a miniature golf rematch, Steve.) Paul Golba kept Grudge alive during the Great Hiatus, so extra kudos to him for never saying die - and for being a great friend.
And a special thank-you to everyone who responded to our matches over the years. Many names became almost as familiar as our fellow commentators (most of whom, of course, rose from those ranks.). I can't possibly be comprehensive, but special mention to Rosencrantz, Mr. Silverback, Charge Man, Devin the Mental Hospital Escapee, Captain Corcoran (whose musical ROTW to Solo/Kirk is an all-time great), The Genius Formerly (and Still) Known as Eddie, The Demented Astronomer, The Infraggable Krunk, Chris "Jedi" Knight, paTRICK heSTER, Vermin Boy, Data-Kun, Dusty Sayers, Darth Brooks, Peanuts Pat, Rainwoman, and everyone I've forgotten. Just go read all of our matches, find out who I missed.
Darn. I already miss Grudge Match.
Well, who knows? We've pulled comebacks before ... but until then, remember to call me ...
- Shane (Tourtellotte)
Please forgive me, but for once in Grudge Match (TM) history, I am going to be
serious here (for the most part, at least). There is something I need to
Thank you.
That's the short version. Here comes the long version. You've been warned.
I first encountered WWWF Grudge Match (TM) in college when some friends found
the site during the famous Death Star v. Enterprise massacre. It hooked me
in right away, but I never really considered writing anything for the site.
If you read my prose during that time, you'd understand why. I would say I
had fairly good writing skills for your average computer geek. All the
facts would be there, but typically it was boring, repetitive, and far too
long (I would turn five page papers into ten pages, somehow). This is not
exactly the ideal style for comedy, as I had learned the hard way. (Fun
Fact: Crickets only happen in cartoons and bad sitcoms.)
But for some reason, I was inspired and sent in a short response for the
first Addams Family v. Munsters match. I figured if I was lucky, it might
get included in the response file. It won Response of the Week (TM). Despite
the Roger Maris-ish caveat that "This received ROTW (tm) honors not because
it was the funniest, but because it was the most accurate", I was in shock
that either Brian (TM) or Steve (TM) even liked it. So I tried something longer and more comedic for the match's sequel, and I won the ROTW (TM) again, this time with no caveat. My addiction was complete.
So, first, I want to thank Brian (TM) and Steve (TM) for liking my writing. And I must also thank them for improving my writing skills - each response
challenged me to improve. It was better than Hooked on Phonics.
(For the record, my writing deficiencies are all my own. I had very good
English teachers. For instance, my high school sophomore professor was a
brilliant man who taught me a great deal. He was also very big and looked
like he could crush my head with his bare hands. Did I mention he was
Let's fast forward a few years, before this starts resembling my old writing
style. Brian (TM) notified me that the site was shutting down and (out of
character for me) I became obsessed with saving it. The result was the Save
the Grudge Foundation (TM), made up of Steve and Brian's seven hand-picked
favorite responders and myself. Back then, I had a goal of keeping the
Grudge Match (TM) concept alive for a total of five years from its inception.
(Darn, there goes my lucrative career as a psychic friend.) The result was
WWWF Ground Zero.
So I want to thank Shane, Jeff, HotBranch!, Thinkmaster, Some Dork, Brendan
and Mark for indulging me and supporting me in the Ground Zero endeavor.
Without them, it never would have happened.
Ground Zero proved to be more difficult than I imagined. There was a lot of
work involved running the site: updating, graphics, scheduling, commentary,
web hosting. Fortunately, I did have help - I can never thank Shane enough
from taking the scheduling job, which was driving me bonkers - but even then it was tough. For all of you out there that think cutting down a response
file is all fun, it isn't easy. Unlike that ruthless bastard Brian (TM), I am
easily amused and the darn Iron Fist (TM) didn't come in my size! I felt guilty
cutting out someone's response. If the Ritalin Reading Room (TM) wasn't the
result of me giving up after hours of cutting, then it should have been.
But I think we did a pretty good job. It wasn't perfect mind you. With
what I know now, I would have chosen a more exciting 100th match, a better
web hosting company (CI Host - phfffft!) and a former Baywatch "actress" as
a commentator (though that last one may just be me). There were people who
complained and you know who you are. But IMHO the good far outweighed the
bad. There were some great matches. Our innovations of The Final Word (TM) and
especially the Tournament of Champions seemed to work pretty well, don't you
think? And if that doesn't convince you, remember we kept the Grudge alive
until Brian (TM) and Steve (TM) got back to their senses (or lost them, as the case may be).
For all of you that supported WWWF Ground Zero and made it a success, thank
you. I appreciate you tolerating our stumbles and sticking around.
Hopefully, we were a productive waste of your time.
Before this gets too long, let me wrap this up. I want to thank everyone
who laughed at my jokes at the Live Grudge Matches we did at various science
fiction conventions. And I especially would like to thank the people who
contributed material, as I am certain it was the jokes getting the laughs
and not my great delivery. Special thanks go to Shane for making it all
Thanks to all those that have voted or sent in responses or suggested match
ideas. There was no Grudge Match (TM) without you.
Thanks to Dave 1/2 Nelson, who I somehow managed to ignore up to this point.
I would like to thank Mr. T. I pity the fool that don't thank Mr. T.
And finally, I want to thank Shane who, as well as being a great commentator, has become my best friend.
It's time for me to say goodbye. It's been a good run. I hope you had fun.
Grudge Match (TM): Where useless knowledge breeds champions. I resemble that
- Paul Golba
[A big public thank you to all of our commentators that have helped keep the site going for the past, oh, seven years or so. We probably would have folded up tent a lot sooner without you. Heck, we did. -- Brian & Steve]
Cellophane was an invention that created completely by accident. It was
supposed to be a stain resistant tablecloth, but didn't come out quite
as planned.
Stainless steel was discovered by a scientist looking though a pile of
discarded junk steel samples. Teflon (tm) was a complete mishap in the
labs at DuPont.
It is truly amazing how some great things just "kind of happen". Grudge
Match was one of these things. It was originally meant to solve a
argument of Gary Coleman vs. Webster, one of the great philosophical
debates of all time. But like the accidents above, there was something
else lurking there, and it reared its head as Grudge Match.
But what happens to the cellophane covering your slice of Velveeta (tm)? It
gets wadded up and thrown into the trash. And then, and your Teflon
(tm) pans eventually wear away to the stainless steel underneath, which
then gets caked with burnt grilled cheese goo, and is then also thrown away.
Likewise, we've scoured Grudge Match down to the point where there's not
much left of the great thing it once was. Whereas it used to be an
endless source of entertainment, for me it has eroded over the years to
more of a chore than a joy. At that point, it's time to move on. But I
know that I will still from time to time peruse the archives, because
there is some truly great humor in there, and you can never have enough
of that.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to the store and buy a new pan...
- Steve
When we started this on a whim oh-so-long ago (DID YOU KNOW: we were on the web 2 months before ESPN?), I don't think we envisioned much of anything coming out of it, other than a few chuckles amongst ourselves. Looking back, it's amazing how many great things have happened, in two areas in particular: 1.) What we've gotten to do, and 2.) the positive impact we've had on people.
It's been a great ride for us. Steve and I got to put together a book with a major publishing house (we got pretty punch drunk picking out the pictures), we recorded a radio commercial for our own book signing, did several live interviews on morning radio shows, got a lot of great print press including the Chicago Tribune and Entertainment Weekly, and even got to have a few meals with television executives in places like Manhattan. Personally, my highlight was probably the trip to Montreal for the Just For Laughs comedy festival in 2000, where I got to go behind the scenes and up front, and got to meet Louie Anderson and Eric Idle. That Live Grudge Match in San Jose was pretty good, too.
Equally amazing, though, are the stories we get from people that tell us our site has had a direct and meaningfully positive impact on their lives. Several of those can be found on this page. Career guidance, forged friendships, and assistance through some very rough spots in life -- we've heard many stories. All I can say is that makes it all worthwhile, even if nothing else came from it. But something else did come from it: I got my own career guidance! When I took the plunge to pursue Grudge Match professionally, it was a bit of a risk for someone with a PhD. But I had a great time and I learned a lot, particularly about marketing, licensing, and negotiating contracts. Well, low and behold, I ended up landing a job that combined both of those avenues: marketing and licensing technologies invented at, of all places, my and my wife's alma mater, Auburn University. It couldn't be a better fit professionally, and I had no idea the field even existed six months before I had the job. There's a lesson there for everyone: find what you're passionate about and go for it. You never know where it might lead. "'Tis better to fail while daring greatly than to live with those cold timid souls that know neither victory nor defeat." -- Teddy Roosevelt (paraphrased)
Now with the serious part out of the way, it's time to reveal my Deepest, Darkest Grudge Match Secret. Not long after Steve and I rejoined the site after a few years off, I had to wonder: did I still "have it" comedically? I still wrote commentary, but was it still fresh and funny? It was hard to tell. And, sure, I could send in comments like a lot our writers did, but I figured I would make the cut regardless (at least I better!!) and by rule I was ineligible for ROTWs. So where's the feedback in that? So every now and again, I'd send in a response under an alias.
I only did it three times, all under the name "Shaggy", an obscure nickname I had very briefly in college. To my pleasure, all 3 got posted, and two of them garnered Gold Grudge ROTWs, one for Nostradamus v. Dionne Warwick (my personal favorite) and another for M&Ms v. California Raisins, good enough to land me on the all-time responders list.
Of course, some of you may thinking, "But that's not fair!", to which I humbly reply, "PBBBBHHTTT!!" Hey, I was jumbled in the mix along with everybody else, so if you wanted to rise to the top, you should have been funnier. This site is run by Darwinism, not Socialism. But for anyone that may still hold a Grudge (tm) over that, you'll be happy to know that I got royally screwed on my third submission for Rock v. Paper v. Scissors. My essay on physcial laws and the complex intellectual dynamics of a three-way stand-off beaten out by potty humor?! Who edited that response file, anyway? I may have to garnish their wages and give it to the others. OK... maybe there is a little Socialism.
- Brian
Viewer Comments
For this final response file, we retired the Iron Fist and let you speak your mind, so these comments are largely unedited. There was that one guy that wrote a rap song that was a little too vulgar and way too personal, but other than that, it's mostly here. And while we hadn't planned on doing ROTWs for this section, one particularly funny response, not to mention our undying love of irony, changed that. We also did several Final Words.
Also, to clarify, the archives will stay up indefinitely.
Thanks for your kind words and your participation. We wouldn't have gotten very far without fans. Although we might have finished grad school a year sooner.
Excerpted from 'O Harley Night: The Rise of 'Comic Book Universe
Battles', @2083:
"...And so, by the early 2000s, C.B.U.B. had established a presence on the 'World Wide Web', but had yet to
dominate its niche, let alone break out into a wider audience or
other markets. Before expanding, it had to overcome 'WWWF,' a rival
that aimed for a higher-brow audience. Despite initial vigor, this
competitor folded due to exhaustion, but how did this exhaustion come
"The more obvious cause was the computer virus unleashed by the
Braveheart Jihad (THERE IS NO JIHAD) in the last days of 1999, in the
hopes of going undetected amidst the Y2K chaos; although WWWF
creators Brian Wright and Steve Levine succeeded in saving the world
from this menace, the price of their victory was the destruction of
their own media provider (the CI Host), without which their primitive
turn-of-the-millenium technology was cut off.
"Documents later recovered suggest that WWWF was thereafter the
subject of persistent, if less spectacular, harassment from the
vengeful Jihad(TINJ) in the form of mindless fanboy responses by the
tens of thousands. This avalanche of banality took its toll upon the
editors, making them more lethargic and addle-minded. The first
obvious decline was the end of the monthly newsletter in 2003,
followed by a shift to a monthly format for the whole site.
"If a peak to the WWWF's quality could be pinpointed, an arbitrary cut-off
might be 2/26/01, as this was the last time that they gave a bi-weekly award to Matt Bricker, a regular contributor of exceptional insight, wit, and, above all, modesty. Bricker's ramblinglengthy responses were invariably the result of thorough and painstaking analysis, requiring the entire 2-4 weeks
to complete, and this author rarely settled for a half-hearted job.
Unfortunately, the worn-out WWWF commentators rarely had enough
energy to fully appreciate his last-moment submissions, and he was
never to again receive Grudgie-level recognition. In fact, there was
a marked decline in his writings even being posted. The Final Word
(tm), if one were needed, came in the omission of his brilliant treatise on Care Bears, the id, nihilism, and the nature of evil.
"This final disturbance in The Grudge Continuum even spread
into the larger pop-culture media, resulting in a settling of Grudges
worldwide. There were free and somewhat-bloodless elections in Iraq,
Osama bin Laden made his fateful decision to head the charitable
Kumbaya Foundation in the coming spring, British soccer audiences
grew as sedate as field mice, and even nemeses Mr. Peanut and the
Pillsbury Doughboy had dinner together in harmony.
"And what of the principals? Brian later went on to dismantle the
Braveheart Jihad(TINJ) from his post as United-States-Canada
Secretary of (Mis)Information under the Jenna Bush administration.
Steve began his slow climb up the hierarchy of Exxon-Time-Warner-
Microsoft-Honda-Mattel. Paul ruled his local PTA chapter with The
Iron Fist(tm). And Mr. Bricker? His remaining years were spent on a
never-ending statistics dissertation predicting the outcome of Big
Bird vs. his weight in emus, reminiscing of the heady times of WWWF
when he 'got published.'"
- Matt Bricker (So long, and thanks for all the fish.)
ROTW Silver Medal GrudgieTM |
Sure, people may think this is the true and final end of our beloved Grudge
Match. Mr. T pities you fools. Nothing as wildly popular as the Grudge Match goes entirely into the Night folks. Consider successful franchises, and you will know what's coming:
Spin off shows, crappy and otherwise.
Hotbranch! will go on to star in Branch, a wildly successful website based in Seattle that has the same basic structure as the current Grudge Match, but will feature only sophisticated and specialized topics, such as a match between Pavel and Bazarov from Turgenev's Fathers and Sons. Future Grudge Match, which comes up with hypothetical Grudge Matches of the future (Brainiac 5 vs. the Britney Spears Bot version 2.0!) will enjoy moderate success on DVD. Unfortunately, AfterGrudge, a monthly comic book that holds Grudge Matches, will find any battleground different than the Internet would not be able to capture the Grudge Magic. But none of these options will be available to Brian and Steve. Instead, they will engage in
Yes, Brian and Steve will eventually return to the Internet to give their Legions of Fans Minor Disagreements, a website which challenges voters to tell them what rhetoric they think will be used in civilized debate between Grudge competitors before they engaged in all out Grudge Match. The chronicles will get increasingly popular as it tells the tale of how Mr. T came to be the Grudge Match mascot, but will hit a temporary snag in The Phantom Deliberator, which forces on us a dopey CGI commentator named Har Bar Hijinks, a blatant attempt to create a marketable persona for the youngsters. Minor Disagreements, seeing as it takes place in the Future with Futuristic technology, will include a fully functioning VR simulator. This may make the original Grudge Match look quaint and old. Indeed, many fans will wonder how Dragon Hamster expects us to believe Grudge Match took place after Minor Disagreements, but that will be solved with
Retooling of the original franchise!
Grudge Match will be remade, once we have the technology, to make it bigger, faster, flashier, with consistent appearances by Ian McDiarmid! Rumors have it that Peter Jackson has the rights to Grudge Match, the Movie, after he is finished with his Totally Necessary Remake of King Kong. But don't get too excited, fanboys. Jackson has dropped hints he will make some artistic changes in order to satisfy his personal vision of the Grudge Match. Webster's going to win, kids.
- B. Katos
ROTW Bronze Medal GrudgieTM (tie) |
So. This is it. The final one. The Disney and Microsoft lawyers
have shut their briefcases and slithered home. The remaining
Hotbranch! 3:16 shirts have been taken to a hole in the Arizona desert
and buried. Devin has escaped through his last water-fountain-shaped
hole in the mental hospital window. Brian and Steve have closed the
doors of the stately Grudge Towers, and entrusted the key to Mr. T.
I never thought I would see the day. You'd expect something like
this, through all the ups and downs of internet culture, would hold
out forever. Now... it's gone.
For a while, we spoke as gods among men. We took on all targets, all
manner of contenders, and we decided for ourselves, "Yes! Gary
Coleman would beat Webster! Star Trek must lose! There is no
Jihad! And here is the proof!"
All things must pass, my friends. But, I'm not worried. No, so long
as there is an Internet, and people have opinions, this site will go on.
For we will have been trained by fire, by the Iron Fist and all its
progeny. We will strip our sleeves and show our scars and say "These
Grudgies I earned, by sweat and blood and toilet humor", and we will
count ourselves among the fortunate, who stood on the digital
landscape and claimed this corner for our own.
Grudge Match, end? Maybe, in this form. But we will always keep it
alive in our hearts, and keep the mission going.
Wherever there's a fight over who would win, Picard or Kirk, we'll be
We'll be there wherever people argue over which is the worst movie,
"Gigli", "From Justin to Kelly", or "You Got Served".
We'll be there wherever people cite the Babe Factor, or the Rage, or
punctuate with those little 's.
And wherever people engage in imaginative, complex situations to solve
simple arguments - we'll be there, too.
Godspeed, Grudgies. Requiescat in Pace, WWWF.
- Tracer "Mother of Mercy, is this the end of Rico?" Malone
ROTW Bronze Medal GrudgieTM (tie) |
Grudge Match, you will be missed. As you ride off into the sunset,
courtesy of Mr. T's custom 1982 GMC van, know that you've entertained
my friends and I for a long time. Also, thanks for finally giving me
a Final Word (tm), amidst all of my inane ramblings.
Don't worry about coming back; some retirements are meant to be. But
just as everyone tried to be the Next Michael Jordan, someone on the
Internet will try to be the Next Grudge Match. Here's to those crazy
guys, and hope they'll make it just as much fun as you guys.
And finally, a bow for avoiding a match you couldn't care about to hit
a meaningless numerical milestone.
- 32_Footsteps, finally beholding the destruction
Jesus. I tried to come up with a funny, amusing response, but it just
sounds hollow. I'm gonna miss you guys. This has been one of the
funniest sites I've ever been to, and it just won't be the same
without my new Grudge Match fix. Peace.
- mtk1701
Wow... I was barely here, only a couple responses posted and the
site decides to leave... this is a sad day on the Internet. You guys
provided me with some great moments, and its a shame that it has to
While I cast my vote for the Seinfeld-like send-off, in
reality, you guys, every single one of you, is more like
Futurama. A great site, that's going out with so many matches
left untold. So much more potential to be earned. At least FOX
wasn't involved in your going out. No, you are going out the
honorable way.
So many new things are arriving in the world, many with great
Grudge Match potential. How they will fare, I never will know. MEGAS
of MEGAS XLR will never show his blue build in the ring to
throw down with the Mega-Maid, a.ka. Spaceball One. The
Teen Titans will never get a chance for Robin to at
the Grudge Match. Many fighters left, their tales yet untold.
For every time the Iron Fist#&153 threw down, for every All
Mangled and Killed&$153, for every #&153(#&153) that ever was placed
on each contestant of Mentos-level Coolness#&153, for every
Jihad#&153 (There was no Jihads)#&153 that came into play, I leave
you with this.
May your legacy be known to the denizens of the Internet, Grudge
Match. Your intelligence and wit beating every ad-riddled, typo-
filled, piece-of-junk net site that is so prevalent today. I honor
you and salute you. You truly are one of the best...
- GreenNinja, throwin' all the losers helluva far!
So another great chapter in our Nation's storied history comes to a
close. Since the moment I first saw Grudge Match: The Book and
purchased it, at a book store chain that I don't even think exists
anymore, through the wonderous days of finally getting a response
printed, to copping the coveted Golden Grudgie(TM) to the day I
captured the almost as equally prestigious Final Word(TM), The
Grudge Match has been a regular stop for me when cruising the web. I
will miss it, surely, at least as much as The A-Team, though not
quite as much as The Simpsons.(Stop living the lie folks: The
Simpsons have jumped, and they ain't comming back!)
I regret not the time I spent pondering the matches, writing up
responses, shecking the polls, and writing in suggestions for one of
the finest web sites in the young history of the world wide web. I
regret not one vote, nor reply I submitted in my quest for ultimate
Grudge Glory(TM).
I've no regrets save one:
(I'm presently shaking with a RAGE(TM) on par with Kirk in Star
Trek II when Kahn burries him, his son, and his away-team alive on
the Genesis asteroid, as we speak... GRUUUUUUUUUUUDGE!!!!!!!!!!)
I'm as disillusioned as Brian was when he found out Colonel Sanders
wasn't a real Colonel.
Nothing seems real...
- Walker: Plexus Ranger (He could've been one of the greats...)
IT CAN'T BE!!! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO US!?!?! HOW CAN IT END!?!?! If you don't
want to do this anymore, why can't you just pass the torch to some new group of
devoted grudge-match fans with new ideas and a lot of free time?!? Why does this
have to happen?!? WHY?!? Don't end it forever!
Grudge-Match is like SNL, The Simpsons, American Democracy, and the Energizer
Bunny. It keeps going and going and going and going, or at least I thought. So much for that.
Thanks for all the matches you did do. We'll miss you.
Seriously. If none of you want to continue on, find
younger, more pop-culture knowledgable replacements. You know, like
on SNL. Just because some of those people went on didn't mean that
they had to cancel the whole show! Why must you take away our Grudge-
Match just because some/all of you don't want to continue!
- Dr. B
Well, nothing could top this chain of events if your ultimate goal
was for an entire base of fans to kill themselves.
- Smooth Jimmy Apollo - It's from Bill Simmons, dammit!
What?! It's over?! But I had so many more suggestions to make!
Underdog vs. Powdered Toast Man! Pikmin Vs. Lemmings! C'mon!
- Cap'n Freed
If I buy the book, will you put this response up so that I may start
to organize the STGF Version 2.0? I'm just crazy enough to do this
man! Wither or not I'm motivated enough to actually do it is another
question all together.
Click Here To Save the Grudge-Match!!!
- BIGMRG74 - Click the link my friends and together, we can save the Grudge-Match from those Losers who have to start living in the Real World now.
One of my friends introduced me to Grudge Match several years ago.
Long after he quit visiting the site, I kept voting month after
month, and even got posted in the responses 3 times (my proudest
achievement; god, I'm a nerd). Grudge Match is my all-time favorite
web site, and I am genuinely sad to see it end. Thanks, Steve and
Brian, for all the great memories. And to the rest of you... you did
good too.
- Adam Seaton (AKA Adam S, Jaken, Miles Prower)
I really wish this wasn't ending! I feel like I just discovered this
site, until I stop and realize I've been following it for three or
four years. It hasn't gotten old! Is it possible to simply pass the
torch onto younger grad students, or something? I don't want Grudge
Match to die!
- Weird Mark
"And now, the end is near, I draw my breath..." Ah screw it.
Grudge Match (tm)... marvellous... blah blah... changed my
life... blah blah... how will I cope... why god why... blah blah... must
be a scheme of the undead Carrot Top (tm)... blah blah... please don't
go... ppppppppppppppppppplllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
eeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... blah
blah (tm)... Simpsons wins here, you guys were always
fantastic... Simpsons cannot lose (tm)... duh! (tm)... blah blah
(tm)... the escape from the Death Star match and the Skywalker vs
Potter match were the best... blah blah (tm)... and that kicking ass
match was a long time coming... blah blah... thanks for
everything... blah blah (tm)... can you not at least create a message
board for Christsakes?!... come on... come
nnnnnn... come on, Star Wars is ending soon, do you really want to
doom us all to the horror of going
outside??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... blah blah
- Jonathan Milne
Damn you. Damn you all. I stumbled on this site about two years ago
and its been a source of entertainment for me ever since. Every week
I check out this site and 8-bit Theater at to tickle
my funny bone.
And now you walkin' out on me. If I didn't love you all so much, I'd
hate you passionately. Now I'm just going to have to break out the
chihuahuas and let them eat you just for old times sake.
You guys are the best. Have a nice meal!
- Kryptonite - Bye HotBranch! Canada loves you...
Well, so long, and thanks for all the fights.
- Rainwoman
Hey guys it was great time, and I really enjoyed it. Please keep the
website up.
I guess now CBUB is going to be my main waste of time now.
Well at least you had Ash win the last fight. I was hoping that a
Crocodile Dundee match would be made, but oh well.
Good luck in your your future tasks
(Bagpipes now playing Taps and Amazing Grace)
Yes I am a bagpiper
- Kilt-Man
Aw geez, man. You are going out like legends, like King Arthur or
Michael Jordan. Well, allow me to give you all what happens during
the funeral & the aftermath.
(Cut to the Grave of the Legends (tm). The funeral for Grudge Match
is set. A sign says "Today: Grudge Match. Tommorow: The rest of
Marlon Brando." Steve & Brian prepare their notes, while all the
Grudgies make their seats set. The 8 winners of the TOCs come first,
with MST3K knowing NOT to riff a funeral. Next comes the 2nd placers
in the TOCs (not Death. he was busy looking for Osama); the Tick,
MacGyver, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Han Solo, John McClane,
Calvin & Hobbes. Next comes Homer Simpson, who other than Mr. T, is
Grudge Match's idol. Then all the others, except for the "Mangled &
Killed" ones, Dale Earnhardt, & Carrot Top. A young Grudgemeister-in-
the-making; one "J Dog, God of Dogs", reads his eulogy before the 11
Commontators meet up. Here it is...)
J Dog: Sniff, it has come to this... you are now gone. I just got
here during the Gunnery Sgt. Hartman vs. John Winger match only to
see two more. I just have this to say as we lay the toothy bald guy
& the website to rest...
"Ah, Grudge Match.
You finally are leaving us after entertaining us mindless boobs for
nine years.
After we saw that Mike Nelson, Crow, & Tom Servo can defeat Death &
prove to the world that the favorite CAN'T win everything.
After Yoda became your "Uber-Champion", but in his TOC, it showed
that Dilbert can defeat a tough man like Duke Nukem.
After Mr. T became your mascot. After Homer Simpson out-ate Norm
Peterson. After we learned what happened to Dr. Clayton Forrester.
After Willie defied the Braveheart Jihad & crushed William Wallace.
After Bart & Calvin both went to TOCs even though Bart won. After
Odie survived Bill T. Cat. After... aw heck! I can't go on with this
You survived Barney the Purple Dinosaur, Wesley Crusher, the
Braveheart Jihad, AOL, Albert Gore, a server crash, Carrot Top, vote
stuffs, & all the like. (Cut to Mr. T sobbing & grabbing his gold
(deep breath) 248 matches. Every last one better than the previous.
Gary Coleman: Whactya talkin' bout, J Dog. My fight was the least
J Dog: No. It was the first, so it was one of the best.
Tom Servo: I give that eulogy so far a 8.5.
Mike: SERVO!
Crow: He's right you know.
Mike: CROW!!!
J Dog: Aw crap. I lost my place. I just want you all to know that
Homer: (sobs) This isn't happening! THIS ISN'T HAPPENING!!! (he's at
the buffet line & they are out of tenderloin, but you get the drift.)
J Dog: I just want you all to know that Steve & Brian did a great
job with this site from the 95 Windows software at Cornell
University (Go Big Reds!). Here they come. Everyone, Steve Levine &
Brian Wright (solumn clapping).
(After a while)
Steve: ... and this is why I will miss all you guys.
(Cut to Devin the Mental House Escapee, Oxymoron, Vlad the Wonder
Hamster & all the others huddling each other, trying to comfort each
Brian: Let's put the guy to rest.
(The casket lowers as Willie plays his bagpipe. Everybody starts
crying a river so large, it puts the Nile to shame.)
... 5 Hours Later...
(A giant intergalactic ship is launching from Cape Canaveral, with
help from Carrot Top's father, a not-so-wicked-like-his-son guy.
Inside the ship includes every character (not the guys who couldn't
go to the funeral. They were left for dead) from Grudge Match & some
from every request that couldn't be get to now, meaning 5,000
robots, animated characters, pop culture icons, idiots, brutes, fans
of the website, & commontators.)
(The front of the ship, GM1)
Steve: Who knew Grudge Match's end would doom mankind?
Brian: Beat's me, as well. At least we got all of these guys who
wanted to come live with us as we would go from galaxy to galaxy for
a new place to live.
J Dog: (walking up) How was that eulogy?
Steve: Good, but about one of those people you chose to come with us.
J Dog: Yeah, the girl from that "Kirby" show (Tiff), well?
Brian: She is fine, but some moron from (Deven711)
tried to get her. Of course, he got blasted out of an airlock
(recall the Ripley & Alien scene from 'Alien' at the end, with the
airlock thing.) That fool.
J Dog: (sneers) The guy was fine, but since he called her a "stupid
retard", hell with him. Plus, he's a Red Sox fan.
Peter Griffin: Thanks for getting me here, Homer.
Homer: It's alright. Besides, what are guys who look like me for?
(Watch as the giant ship fades out of the moving camera, as every
Grudgie bids goodbye to a zombie Dale Earnhardt-infested world)
- J Dog- Ah, I am SO going to miss you guys!
Hey, I've been here since the beginning. I remember randomly
discovering this website while I was in college. I read through
every single match, word for word, and then each and every
response. I was around for every great match, I was present for
each time the response file record was broken. I was there when all
the great Grudge traditions started (Rage, Iron Fist,
There is no Jihad). I remember the crushing heartbreak when
the GrudgeMatch first closed its doors, only to be resurrected by
the GroundZero folks. I recall the triumphant return of Steve and
Brian. I worshipped at the temple of perhaps the greatest response
of all time, from John McClane vs. the Death Star.
I have been an internet user for nearly 10 years, and in all that
time I have been more loyal to and more addicted to the Grudge Match
than anything else that exists. There is nothing else that captures
our love affair with pop culture, celebrities and geekiness nearly
as well.
I don't know if anyone else shares my sentiments, but I think that
GrudgeMatch is probably the single greatest internet site of all-
- Adam B. (no, this is not my shameless attempt at earning that elusive Gold-Medal ROTW Grudgie)
Man, I really can't belive its come to this. I have been viewing
this site since I first heard about it (about 8 years ago) and have
been watching ever since. Its a shame to see it go, I would have
liked to see some rematches that I'm sure the loser would have won
(*coughcough* Calvin vs. Bart *coughcough*), but at least I'll still
have the memories and the all of the site info. But even still its a
big dissapointment to see this all go.
- Siphai
Ah crap, now we'll never see a Master Chief versus Sam Fisher match.
Oh well, goodbye fellas. My only regret is that I didn't get a
golden award. Thank god you let Godzilla win that match aganist King
Kong. Being a an internet junkie is such a lonely existance without
these sites. Shall we go out to the strip club then?
- Lizard-Man: Still a virgin
Wow..... just..... wow..... Grudge Match closing up shop. 5 words I
thought I would never ever hear.... but.... hey, all good things must
come to an end.
My God.... I remember two very distinct moments from my several times
of sending in comments:
1) My first time getting my response used: Letterman Vs Leno. After
viewing so many Grudge Match matches, I figured: "hey, why not try
out a response yourself" so I did... and lo and behold you guys
picked mine to be used. That was truly an honor.
2) My first (and sadly only) ROTW medal: Picture it "Lethal Weapon Vs
Pulp Fiction", I am reading the results, when who's name do I see as
a Silver Grudge Medal winner? Me! I was just stunned and floored! I
never thought I would be able to get up that high, but it happened,
and for that I thank you guys!
well.... what else is there left to say but simply this....
*Brian is closing up the Grudge Match HQ for the last time when Mr. T
knocks on the front door of it. Brian sadly looks out and answers
loud enough for T to hear him*
Brian: Sorry.... we're closed......
- Dane "The New Prodigy"
What the FCUK MAN?! This site got me into the damned interweb(TM)! I
remember like it was yesterday... It was a beautiful day outside, so I
was like so fuck that, gonna play with my new magical box that can
connect my other magic box to the world outside those four walls... I
was a teenager! Like you weren't stupid either, asshole. So once
connected to the vast waste land that was the net back in 1990ish...
Yeah... Not knowing of porn or even girls, I did a alta vista search
(times change) for something that did interest me then, Calvin and
Hobbes and what do I find?! THIS GLORIOUS MECCA TO POP CULTURE
TRIVIA! Lord knows how I would have survived High School with out it?
Meet girls? Screw that, I did eventrual find that the internet
actually had porn. Needed something to read when my urge to imitate a
spider monkey dies down (Hint, not flinging poo). Then Boot Camp,
where I had an acutal girl I met -- over the net -- send me the recent
matches while I was gone. When I was off the coast of Pakistan during
one of their little temper tantrums with India, I used my 15 minutes
of net time to send in my comments about whatever match was on. Then
when I was in Iraq, that same girl kept me updated with what crazy
shit you guys can come up with. Now what am I to do with you guys
gone?! You've long outlasted anything real from CBUB, and Celebrity
Death Match! Where am I gonna get the mind numbing and trivial
information about two or more fictional people dueling out in mortal
combat? Damn you to hell you cowards! Guess I should marry that
internet chick... Fiery Redhead! Damnit, I really have to get a life
now, jerks!
- Morning Wood
I know one person who WON'T be crying because the WWWF is shutting
Mr. T.
Because he never cries.
- Grudge-Pops: Giving new meaning to "The Final Word," huh guys?
Awwww! Don't go!
If you are going to go, please refer me to a similar website wich I
can look at and remember you after you are dead and gone.
- ShadowHunter (I was hoping you would do Stitch vs. Terminator...)
I've been aware of this place for at least 4 years and have found
much enjoyment from reading your matches since getting internet
access 2 years ago. While your reasons for having to retire are
understandable, I think I speak for a number of fans when I say I'm
sorry to see it end. Even though no more matches are going to come
about, I do hope something can be done to keep the site up, I've only
read a handful of the matches, and hope to read more of them. Who
knows, maybe 5 years from now some new young college kids will come
up with something worth matching. Just out of curiosity, if someone
else did come to you with an idea to keep the site going, or wanting
to run the site, would you allow them?
- Aaron
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You guys can't leave. I've only known about
you guys for the last year or two. Please reconsider. I'm on my
knees begging for you to reconsider. PLEASE!!!
- Shawn a.k.a. KOR
So long and thanks for the fish.
- CaptainFlash
(April Fool's day isn't for another two months)
I'm sad that you've decided to end it. Grudge Match was great, and
I've had a lot of fun at this site. Thanks for making me laugh time
and time again. Anyway, I don't think your reasons for calling it
quits are valid. Here's why:
1. Lack of Creativity - with the monthly format in place, you
expect your users to believe that you can't come up with twelve
scnearios per year? I give FOX more credit then that!
2. Lack of time - Initially, the three man team expanded into a
dozen or so commentators on hand. Those additional commentators were
brought in from the player base. I'm sure that there are currently
several people who are talented enough to keep things going, if you
were willing to look for them (I'm guessing the repeat Grudgie winners
are the best place to look). In addition, fresh blood on the
Grudge-match staff will introduce fresh thinking - Double the reason
why I don't believe the "lack of creativity" issue is an issue.
Again, it's been fun. Three cheers for Grudge Match!
P.S. - Who says The Simpsons have never jumped? They've been stale for
- Dom, sad that it's all over.
Sad to see the site go, even if it did take a month between matches,
you never used my suggestions, and my commentary was lucky to wind up
on the bottom (but never the last word). On second thought........ I'm
still sorry to see the site go. So long, everybody.
- A bitter&sad Noman
It's been a nice and fun run and even I think there is still some potential left here, there has been so much on here. It would of been nice though if there was Godzilla VS Gamera, though Godzilla had his match here against King Kong and most likely, Godzilla would of won due to his recognition. Anyway, here's to the 10 year run of the site!
- Joey Gallagher
- Lose Weight Now Ask Me... I seriously am too sad I can't do it.
NO! You can't leave! What will I read while I'm pretending to to my
work in Programming? Where will I send countless horrible match
suggestions that will be denied? How will I squander the hours I'm
supposed to be using doing my Latin homework at the computer? I
can't live without you!
- Cuthroat McGee
Good-bye and thanks for all the fish, er, laughs!
- The Admiral
It was with great sadness that I learned of the end of the Grudge
Match. While I am not going to argue with you about your reasons, it
still bothers me that there are quite a few great conflicts that will
now never be decided.
For example, the greatest US vs. Canada bout (Red Green and the
Possum Lodge gang vs. Tim and the Tool Time crew) will not happen. I
would have given you a darn good commentary supporting Team Possum.
Then there is the ultimate test of a TV law: Senior citizen
crimefighters never lose. It would have had Jessica Fletcher vs.
Father Dowling vs. Dr. Sloan vs. Ben Matlock vs. Barnaby Jones. It
would have been an interesting match.
Also, we will never see any matches featuring the "Stargate SG-1"
gang. Those could have been fun.
Another amusing match-up, one with a tropical theme, would have
been "Hawaii 5-0" vs. "Baywatch Hawaii". I would have supported
McGarrett and his bunch.
A match I would have personally enjoyed would have been a retro-TV
match pitting "Real People" against "That's Incredible". I would
have had a most interesting response for that one.
Though I wish the webmasters great success in whatever they do next,
there is still sadness at the loss of one of the web's best humor
sites. Perhaps others may take up the mantle, or at least direct me
to another site where such comical combats can take place.
Goodbye and Farewell.
- The Demented Astronomer
JUST DON'T LET WWWF DIE! I MEAN, look at all the good things that
have ended recently (or will end soon): Everybody loves Raymond,
Star Trek, the NHL (wait, that's not a good thing).
At the very least put up a message board where people can put up
matches and such...
- Gamingboy (who, by the way, will take over for you if you offer him the job)
NO! This cannot be happening!
When I found out Grudge match was shutting down I was devestated.
This site has been a staple of my bored-shut-in evenings for as long
as I can remember.
Now what am I supposed to do with my time? Work?
- Danikat
Thank you for the entertainment.
It was good to the end.
- Bob Stitt
What the crap? You mean you are going to allow the Homestar Runner
monopoly overwhelm all of cyberspace without even a fight?
God have mercy on us all...
- Tuck- super pissed.
Today, I come to WWWF Grudge Match anticipating a new match, and it's
funny. Whilst the page was loading, I pondered to myself, "Hmm, I
wonder if they're ever going to shut down, that'd be worse than the
time Jesus died." And so, the page loads. I crestfallenly read, "The End."
I have for years been a fan of the WWWF. For the entire decade
spanning your life, I have eagerly gone to the site, reading archived
matches, voting, commenting (And never being accepted!), and overall,
enjoying the experience of this creative idea. Now that the dynasty
comes to an end, it seems as if an era is halting.
So I say this: Even though the site comes to a close, although all the
sly social, political, and media-based commentary comes to an end, I
have but one thing to say to you, my friends, who have never betrayed me.
I salute you. You have lived life like a soldier, battling through the
desparity of near-defeat, running rampant in your prime time, and
screaming in agonizing pain when shot at by the Hollywood Fat-Cat
lawyers. So for this reason, WWWF, I shall never forget you and your
intuitive ideas. Be it Indiana Jones kicking the ass of James Bond, or
a Temptation Island involving sitcom families, I will always look back
on this site
And shed a single Ben Affleck tear. *saLUEtes*
- Matthew Brown
Your suckitatious matches were few,far-between,and crapulent enough
to make the next match seem better. SuckitatiousCrapulentWorstify
- Bush Speakication Grammar-doohickey
Are you guys going to still keep the archives up so that future
generations can read about all your adventures? I'm going to miss
you guys. I hope you decide to change your minds in the future when
new cannon fodder comes your way. For now, thank you for helping to
bring a little joy into all our hearts.
Holy crap, I need a girlfriend...
- The Brain Gremlin
Well, you never jumped. Now that that's out of the way, I have a few
You know the Barney match? You could take down the Dino picture and
put up a real Barney picture. What are the Barney lawyers gonna do,
shut you down? Heh heh.
Man, that's terrible.
I think the Rumble in DC match mentioned something about .4 blood
alchohol content being lethal. That's true, but one guy had a level
of .9, and he was still living. I saw it on the Internet, so it must
be true. That was the funniest match I've ever read.
Sorry to see you go. Maybe with this site gone, we can all get a
life, have kids, and die in a few decades.
- Jay "Well, there goes my weekend" Rizzle
I got into your site one day looking for a link to the once infamous
pooh doing satan worship movie clip, and found a link for Winnie the
Pooh versus Snuggles the bear. I loved it and from that point on, I
was hooked. I printed out old GM's and read through them, wishing
I'd heard about it sooner so I could have voted on them. I kept
hoping I'd win ROTW, but the best I achieved was a tie at bronze.
There were some matches that weren't so hot, but come on, how can you
possibly go wrong when you pair up the A-Team versus MacGuyver, or
John MacClaine against the Death Star? There's more matches to be
- Pareeha
It will be sad to see this site go. It was one of the things I
could look forward to for a really good laugh, and even if there
wasn't a new match, i could browse through the archives for a good
match that would make me laugh actually imagining the events that
happened (Hey, could any of you not picture William shatner, being
shot in the neck with a tranq dart and saying, "Kirk to Enterpirse,
one.... to... beam up" while he's fainting?) and then, in the later
years, having some of my responses used.
While I am upset that i never got to see Link vs. Peter Pan, or what
i considered would have been the perfect election-day grudge match
(The Hardy Boys vs. Encyclopedia Brown in the Case of the Missing
WoMD), The matches that were conceived in concept made my day, and
moreso, the commentary on the matches contained some of the funniest
crap I've read in my life--not just the ROTW and the Final Word
responses, but ALL of them.
So let's look at what the past 5 years have taught us--let's go to
the map:
Star trek will always lose, except for the bad guys, Scotty, or
against each other.
There is no Jihad.
Star Trek fanboys refuse to bathe.
The french will always get folded like lawn furniture.
We still want a link to the "Barroom brawling your way across
Europe" thesis.
Anything can be 'ed after being used twice.
The Rage always helps.
The Simpsons *can* lose.
WB > Disney any day of the week and thrice on Sunday.
There is no Jihad.
Beastmaster references always help.
Monty Python references are always an ace in the hole.
Ditto for Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy references.
And lastly, arcane knowledge helps.
So, a big thank you to Steve, Brian, all of the cast of Ground Zero,
and most impiortantly the fellow grudgsters, you turned this site
into one of the best places to go on the web for a laugh :).
- Keeper of the Light
The site will be sorely missed. I only hope that the site will remain
for the archive alone and in the hope that at some point a new breed
of playground postulators will carry the torch once again. Please let
us know if there will be some remnant of the site not before the site
disappears into mere net-folklore.
- Fun_for_All (I hope it has been)
The Absolute LAST Final Word:
He was halfway out the
front door of the Grudge Foundation Building when Mister T stopped,
fighting hard to choke back the tears. It would be the last time he
left and he knew he had to be stronger than this... but it couldn't
"Please God, give me strength!" T prayed.
Almost providentially, an old Life section from USA Today blew across
the ground and came to rest at Mister T's feet. He looked down and
saw the headline:
"Enterprise"... cancelled? Star Trek lost? Without a fair fight?! No Grudge Match at all? What the...?!?
And like fire from Prometheus, it thus came down upon T: the last iota of the once-vast power-cosmic known to men as The Rage.
T knew what he had to do.
He must take The Rage into the wilderness. Keep it safe. Guard it with all his might until the day came when the Grudge Match would be resurrected. He knew not how many long years of toil and sacrifice this would demand of him,
but he vowed to stay faithful and true to Steve, and Brian, and HotBranch!, and Paul Golba, and Vlad, and Devin, and Silverback, and all the rest. Scattered to the four winds though they may be, someday T would set the sacred fire of The Rage to the beacon.
Someday, far away in the night, they would see the distant
light... and they would be coming home.
But that was yet to come. A time of rest was called for. And heartened by renewed vigor, Mister T performed the final duty of his office. He turned his mohawked pate toward the bowels of the Grudge Match Building and yelled
"The last Red-Shirted Ensign, or English Soccer
Hooligan, or Simpsons character, or Batman, or Sith, or Rottweiler
and/or Rottweiler's Weight in Chihuahuas, or Amish, or James Bond, or
Keebler Elf, or French-anything sucker, or King Arthur's Knight, or
Village Person, or whatever... HAD BETTER TURN OFF THE LIGHTS,
Then, stopping in the parking lot just long enough to beat Carrot Top to death with all that was left of the Iron Fist, Mister T walked away from the Grudge Match Building, toward the shadows, into a waiting van as Hannibal and Face slide the door open. Shoving Murdock away from the steering wheel ("You ain't got no bid'ness driving, fool!"), Mister T turned the ignition, veered
out of the alley and headed off into legend. Some said that he took
Gary Coleman and Webster with him, reconciled at last... but who's to
A lone T-800 Terminator in Sacramento, California later swore he heard these final words bellow across the realm...
"I'll be back FOOLS!!!"
- Chris 'Jedi' Knight weeps, ignites a lightsaber and burns a candle in church for WWWF.
Click on the link above for one heck of a tome to Grudge Match. -Eds
I just want to say thank you for doing this for so long. This site
was and is one of the coolest websites out there.
- RK_Striker_JK_5
Grudge Match r00lz
Grudge Match will always r00l
Forward with the Rage(TM)!
Onward Mr T.(TM)!
Onward Simpsons(TM)!
Down With Jar-Jar Binks(TM)!
Down With Imhotep(TM)!
(I still think Steve is wrong.)
- ShadowHunter
thanks for the laughs.
- long live Mr. T!
What? NO!!! WWWF can't die! *Takes a slight note from a response to last
match* It's supreme coolness has been concentrated and distilled, into a fine
wine of coolness. The coolness concentrated in the archives has reached a
critical mass of coolness; this match may well be sufficient to push it over the
edge and make it explode in a nuclear blast of coolness, killing, coolifying,
mutilating all in the area. Dear God, boys, don't let Grudge Match end like this.
Find some new keepers of the Grudge, so the beast is not loosed from the
- Darth Board-Lord of the Darts
Please pardon the parallel.
I feel like I'm 85 in a nursing home and the new resident they just
wheeled in is an old flame from long ago, but alas the smile is whiped
from my face with the information that I'll be put to sleep (like a
dog) after lunch.
"Creamed corn, boiled potatoes, over-cooked spinach,and Jell-o (tm)
(with salt-peter in it so I don't get any ideas) for dessert".
Today at work I started laughing thinking about your site and the many
responses I've read. I thought "brain attached to this body, I wonder
if that site(yours) still exsists. I just finished a two year remolded
of my house 6 days ago proceded by the rearin' of two children
proceded by lots of other things. I haven't been to your site for
years. I just hooked up my computer tonight. Damn. I hope to see something come out of the ashes. It sounds like you guys are watching too many "Leave It to Beaver" episodes.
Yeah, yeah, yeah kids, marrige, jobs, tivo. It seems soooo
insurmountable(sp) now. But Trust me. You won't make 12 months. One of
you fruit cakes is going to get trigger happy. It starts with the emails.
(1st month) " Hey, how's it going?".
(2nd month)" We're using Pampers(tm) how about you?".
(4th month)" My IN-LAWS were here last week, and the only thing that
stopped me from biting my tounge off was the thought of who would win
a wrestling match between Shelly Winters(alive) and Don Knotts vs. my
in in-laws. Winner gets celebrity judge spot on American Idol
selection show."
(week before)"We should start the site up again."
See. See how that works.
I hope the best for all of you. Thank you for all your work. Your
sites memories will always bring a smile to my face. Thanks
p.s. please excuse the poor grammar and spelling.
p.p.s. please put me on any mailing list to new sites from the ashes.
- Bill , Mpls. (Kitt vs. Herbie)
This is because the Sox won the Super Bowl, isn't it?override system params
insert command file McGinley.character.Grudge
terminating function.Grudge.Match
Ted.McGinley v7.015 has been installed. Would you like to shut down?
Did John call it or what?
- Uncle Batman
Now geeks will forever be debating Kirk vs Picard, and I won't know
what to tell them, because the king of all hypothetical pop culture
fights is dead. Long live the king!
- D
This is truly a sad day for the geeks that hold the vast ammounts of
useless knowledge in their skulls that has fueled this fine site in
past years. Thank you (tm) for countless hours of
entertainment in my life. May the Schwartz be with you!
- Alek (Ninja) MN
This would be a bad time to give up Grudge-Match for Lent.
- Affy
This is defiantely a sad day for Net surfers like myself, you guys
were the 1st real site that I started following ever since getting
online back in '99. I hope you guys do well in the workforce and
family life. Thanks for all the memories, you guys always rocked!
- BF
You guys were awesome (for the last 5 years, since I started coming
to your site regularly)... I like all of your classic commentary on
who were the most worthy opponents in these deadly WWWF Grudge
- stroud40
dude dont shut down ! find others to continue the legacy. i will
continuee if u letme.
- dan hilbert
I was late to the party, but it has been fun. You guys Rock! Sorry
to see you go. I made a bong out of the gold grudgy you once gave
me, and I take this toke in your honor. Bubble-bubble-bubble-bubble-
- I. Phill Kuntz
Grudge Match(TM) will live forever in The Hearts of Geeks(TM). And
geeks can never die.
(No, seriously, when 90% of your diet consists of coffee, circus
peanuts and Cup Noodles, you get some serious mutant avantages. Plus,
all that computer radiation)
So remember, when you hear that cry in the sky, ("Shut up with the
Star Trek Must Lose(TM) already!") you'll know that the WWWF is alive.
And seeking fresh brains.
- Leftomaniac
man i ain't much for writing anything funny right now i am misting up
in the ole eyes I really hate to see you go, you are one things left
that has meaningful ties to the past back when everything was cool
but with a current cool twist to it, as i say good bye to you i say
good bye to a part of my past that goes with you and will probably
die in me but i promise to come back from time to time as long as the
site is still open and read funny matches from the past good bye and
soon long
- will
Dude, you guys seriosly don't have to shut down. I know the matches
are starting to get a little bit tired and old, but its nothing
beyond repair. If you're worried about not enough time to do the
matches, bring in some more people, who have a bunch of spare time.
Or, you could open it up to the people entirely for the commentary
and all you would have to do is come up with ideas for matches. If
you can't keep up with current pop-culture, look to the past for more
ideas. The 80's are loaded with great characters and ideas for
matches that haven't been used yet. All I can say is that whatever
you do, you can't let it end.
- Droopy
This stuff is the greatest! I can't believe my luck! This
W-what? You're leaving?? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!
- A disappointed fan (sigh!)
dont leave please ur site rocks. man stay come on. think about it.
- the dude
Ever since I first discovered the existense of WWWF Grudge Match,
as a geeky high-school student stumbling onto a copy of Grudge
Match: The Book(tm) at the neighborhood Barnes & Noble megastore, I
knew there was something... different about it. Sure, in this
brave new Grudge Match-free world, we'll still have things like Comic Book Universe Battles and Nerd Battles, but can you imagine them doing anything like, say, Imhotep vs. Moses or Death vs. Taxes? Of course not.
The thing that made WWWF Grudge Match truly great is that it
elevated the age-old custom of sitting around and debating "Who'd
win in a fight between _____ and ______?" into a true art form. If
Grudge Match had gotten even a tenth of the mainstream exposure it
really deserved, it could well have permanently silenced those who
insist that arguing over who'd win in a fight between Geordi LaForge
and Daredevil while hopped up on Mountain Dew(tm) is somehow any
less productive or meaningful of a pastime than drunkenly arguing
over whether or not the Packers will beat the "point spread" against
the Cowboys.
In conclusion, I'd just like thank Steve, Brian, and everyone else
who created and fed the strange beast known as WWWF Grudge Match for
a decade of wonderfully hilarious utter weirdness.
- TV's Grady
Thank You for Grudge Match...
- Christopher Wayne
A Eulogy for WWWF Grudge Match:
The horror... The tragidy.... now what am I suppose to look forward
to so diligently each month? My therapist is gonna have a field day
with this... Dispite having put me through countless hours of costly
therapy I loved this site. I'll miss the blood-shed and carnage...
*sob* *sob*
p.s. PLEASE put this one up! I've never had a comment posted and this
is my last chance to live that dream...
- the amazing potato (no I don't want to be a french frie...)
For years, Grudge Match has been at the top of my favourite website
Thanks for providing so much entertainment for so long. Happy
- Galahad
Well, seeing as how we all know you're history I think I will tell
you mine with this website.
How it was found: Searched on yahoo for "Star Trek vs. Star Wars"
and found Red Shirts vs. Stormtroppers
First Match voted on: Coneheads vs. Solomons
First Match posted response on : M&Ms vs. California Raisins
Number of responses posted: 1
Where?: Wile E. Coyote vs. Kenny McCormick
and knowing my luck this won't be posted as well.
I will miss this website as it is on of the few constantly funny
websites out there.
- I'm Spartacus!
"Half of what I know about pop culture I learned from Grudge
"That figures. Otherwise I thought you were a bit too pop culture-
omnipotent. My first impression was 'this guy must never sleep'."
(A discussion between myself and The Lady Seahorse, circa December
2004. Just think of what Grudge Match can do for YOU!)
I sure hope this isn't handled like the real Jump the Shark website.
You'd get one or two thoughtful comments about what really matters,
and then a bunch of lunatics ranting about Steve and Brian
being "totally gay" and a list of painful deaths they wish to inflict
on Brendan or whoever. Most of which would be in ALL CAPS. But, I
You guys had a great thing going here. Sure, I showed up relatively
late, but I was around for some of the all-time great matches.
Despite the diversity of opinion, style, age and location of the many
Grudge Fans, there's a real tight-knit feel to this place. You feel
like you're hanging around in the basement on a Friday night,
chatting about outlandish matchups with some close friends. It was
time worth wasting. I'll really miss this, but I fully understand
your decision to quit, and I'm glad that I'll still be able to read
the old matches in the years to come. The spirit of the WWWF will
live on. And no, I don't think you ever jumped. Most sites would
have after the TOTOCC, but the monthly matches were still a riot.
Literally and figuratively.
And the irony is, I'll likely get Iron Fisted one last time. Oh well.
Keep the faith, guys! You deserve a big hand for 10 years of
excellent service. Goodnight, and God bless.
Oh, wait. I'm supposed to be funny. Shoot. Uh... Gary Coleman, Mr. T
and Ash Williams walk into a bar... *microphone shorts out*
- Oxymoron - The WWWF knows my real name, which makes them cooler than the CIA
Somewhere deep in prehistory, a purple and green dinosaur laughs
with delight and revels in his victory.
- SuperDan The Magnificent
I first saw this website when I was surfing the net as an annoying
punk-ass high school freshman (or sophomore). The first match I saw
was Mario vs. Sonic, and I've been hooked ever since. I've gone back
to read all the matches (I know, I have too much time on my hands),
and there have been many a night that I have stayed up reading, and
laughing, and crying with delirious joy. I hoped it will never end.
Unfortunately, I was unable to visit the site starting a month ago,
due to a computer meltdown, and the first thing I did when I hooked
up my new computer five minutes ago was go onto Grudge-Match. I hoped
to see that my man Ash won the huge battle. He did, but another thing
caught my eye. The Grudge-Match was closing shop. I couldn't believe
it at first, but a thought dawned on me. No matter how funny, or
awesome you all are, commentators, visitors and all, you are all only
human, and all good things must end. Realizing this, I fought back my
tears of sadness and did what any good Grudge-fan would do. I voted
(and by the way, you guys NEVER JUMPED THE SHARK!)
So I would like to say, because of you guys, I developed a sense of
humor. I discovered new movies, TV shows, and other things I never
even heard of (believe it or not, I found out about Johnny #5,
Spaceballs, Keyser Soze, and Pulp Fiction, among other things from
you guys.) For the past four years, this site has been a staple of my
day, and it always has had fresh new ideas and hilarious comments
that would always leave me laughing. It saddens me that I will be
going off to college without new stuff from you guys, but you've made
me laugh through high school, and that's no easy task. I don't care
if you post this or not, I just wanted to say thank you.
So thank you all for everything. You will be sorely missed.
- N. James, a loyal fan to the very end.
What? You mean to tell me y'all are going to close without mentioning
one hip-hop incident of violence?! LL Cool J vs. Ice T??? Eminem vs.
Vanilla Ice??? These were REAL LIFE grudge-matches... IGNORED!! You had
them mapped out for you, but nooooOOOooooOOO!! How dare ye!? Ye... ye...
culture vultures!!
- Richard Corey (yes it does, pz out)
Grudge Match, thanks for the fun. (This is the FINAL Final
- Dom
Man, I love WWWF and it kills me that you guys are throwing in the
towel but if your haveing second thoughts for the love of GOD don't
pull a jordan and try to come back. I will not be i will not be OK
having but all that energy in to finding a new website only for you to
rise from the grave.
- Snowmizer
"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to
achieve immortality through not dying"--Woody Allen
Though WWWF may shuffle off it's earthly bonds, it will always live
on in our hearts.
Can I have your stereo?
- Some Guy
There is no jihad. Only the one against my heart for grudge-match
shutting down.
- The Amazing Fat Man
This was a great site, even though I was not around all the time. I
really wish you guys would not do this, but what must happen, will
happen. I will always remember you, WWWF
- Ceryl Kasshu
Wow, 10 years. I've only been on this site for 5, but I'm still gonna
miss the memories. Shit, my only regret is that I never got a grudgie.
Hell, I was pretty close once, but that still means no cigar. Another
regret is that you guys never got to #250. I mean, for gods sake, why
stop when you are so close to acheiving the magic number?
Nevertheless, I am gonna miss you guys. So long, and thanks for all
the fish.
- Potman the Predator (WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS)
If the site is going to close, where will this be posted?
- paperwarior
Star Trek finally won a Grudge Match. It was agony for a kid who
grew up with TOS for so long. But, it figured the Red Sox would
break their curse the same year, and I'm glad you guys stayed on till
it happened. The Tribbles, well, those cute little beasts were
another favorite, but it figures PacMan would beat them, what with
Enos Slaughter's mad dash from first to win in 1946. I could just
see him picking up power pellets as he rounded second and third, and
could sense that like the Red Shirted Ensigns would get things
started just like those Red Sox who ended up playing for such a
dismal team while the Yankees had Babe Ruth. Of course, the
Enterprise was first to lose, but they and the Death Star were like
the '49 Red Sox versus the Yankees, two great teams, with the Yankees
becoming as hated as Darth Stein Brenner's $5 billion team.
Not that I always voted for Star Trek, I actually won a Bronze
Grudgie for a Star Trek parody that sort of was a victory for
Galactica against Voyager. But, that was kind of like the '75 Reds
versus the '75 Red Sox. Those Reds were one of the best ever, so it
wasn't that painful when Voyager came close, they weren't supposed
to. And, Spock and Data almost battled to a tie so nobody could win
even an all Star-Trek match, and even he finished DEAD LAST in the
tournament of champions! Talk about a jinx! It's as if he shouldn't
even be declared a winner! Les than 4% of the vote! Even a Star
Trek bad guy (which is sort of like saying the Yankees anyway), the
Borg, didn't do anything special in their Tournament of Champions.
And, talk about a jinx - they lost to Barney? May as well change his
name to Barney Dent, after the infamous Bucky, who broke Sox hearts
in '78 with a homer for a Yankee team down 14.5 in July that spelled
disaster. Oh, Wesley, how could you lose to Barney, man? Why didn't
you walk him? Or Q, how on Earth, or Pluto, or anywhere else could a
being who can do anything have lost to My Darling Palpatine? (Ron
Darling, that is, starter of Game 7 in '86.) Q must be able to do
anything except hold a two run lead in the bottom of the 10th inning
of game 6 of a World Series, and he must have some clay hands at
first that make him muff ground balls like crazy. Let's face it, Q
should never be allowed near a major league bullpen.
But finally, after defeat after defeat, Scotty came along. And, the
jinx was broken. Just as a great engineer of talent would do for the
Red Sox soon after. And now, on that red engineer's shirt, you can
just picture a little white circle with a Red Sox logo on it, and a
spot in Star Trek history as the man who beat the jinx.
I didn't always like the swearing at times, I prefer something more
wholesome, but it was worth it follow bit by bit, to see if that jinx
could finally be stopped. And it was, by perhaps the best man for
the job.
- Red Sox and Red Shirts
Hey, I don't believe it! I was ganna write sooner but I have been
busy and I really didn't know what to say... I guess what I have to
say is that this web page have been one of my favs since Headless
Horseman vs. T-800 Terminator match. I don't really comment of send
many messages but I do come on the site and vote. I think this site
is totally cool. It sucks that it has to end... But I understand you
guys are getting older and you start to run low on topics and stuff
however it was great while it lasted. Now I don't even know if this
letter will reach your eyes but as a fan I wanted to say thanks for
the matches... And just maybe you could pass this website on to
someone else to keep it going. But it either way I hope you contact
me back. (please write!!!)
Peace out
Mr. Smith-out
- Jesse aka Mr. Smith
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You can't go! You haven't done 300
Matches yet!
Look, I'll give you two now.
Paris Hilton + Tinkerbell vs. Britney Spears + Bi Bi
All of the Tabloid kings and Queens in a battle royale (with a
mangled and killed button, of course).
Or just do 2 Mr T matches. I'll be happy either way.
- Eoin 'My life won't be the same without ya' Mason
And now from the home office in Wahoo, Nebraska:
Top 10 reasons why The WWWF Grudge Match is coming to an end:
10. Knights Templar Steve and Brain have returned from their Crusade
to reclaim the Grudge Match throne.
9. The U.S. government has shut down the site because the RAGE (tm)
has become too powerful, and now threatens all of mankind.
8. Ran out of red-shirted ensigns.
7. Gambino crime family has learned the whereabouts of Steve and
Brain, or as they're now known, Apple Paltrow and Admiral Takeshi
6. Steroids have ruined all the Grudge-Match records.
5. The epic Grudge-Match apocalypse of Viking legend and Marvel
comic lore, Grudgenarok, has come to pass. Hotbranch loses an eye
fighting Loki.
4. Things just haven't been the same since Martha Stewart tried to
sell off all those Grudge Match (GRM) shares.
3. Buying all those chihuahuas to fight at their oppenent's weight
class just got too damn expensive.
2. Instead of Wesley Crusher or Barney, Budo accidentally clicked
the "Cancel all future Grudge Matches" button.
1. Because like Bruce Lee, the dotcom market boom, Sinatra, Brando,
the original Star Wars and Godfather movies, and the first Matrix
movie, all cool things must come to an end.
Thanks for getting me through grad school, guys. I know I'm not the
only one who looked forward to every match, and couldn't wait to see
the hilarious responses from all the other Grudge-Match nut jobs.
It's reassuring to know on this island of misfit toys some people
call "Earth," there are a few loons out there just like me. Thanks
for all the time and effort you put into the sight. We all
appreciated it.
- Budo
I'm sorry to see this site go. WWWF ROOOLZ!!!
- Bye bye WWWF
We make sure we update every friday so heres another fight sight
added to the web. I am very sorry to here that Grudge-Match is
closing so me and my friend made this site.
- Riley
- sPeciAL eD
248? Pssh. You jackasses could at least have the decency to go for
- Potman the Predator(good luck, and god bless)
Now what am I supposed to do with my time? Work?
- Danikat
I haven't cried this much since my beloved A-team lost to MacFreakingGyver.
- Wolverine
As far as resignations go, you've done better!!!!!
- Mij
I'd just like thank Steve, Brian, and everyone else
who created and fed the strange beast known as WWWF Grudge Match for
a decade of wonderfully hilarious utter weirdness.
- TV's Grady
It's the end of one hell of an era
- Snomizer
I wanna see my damned suggested matches!
- A New Cynic
Can I have your stereo?
- Some Guy
It's reassuring to know on this island of misfit toys some people
call "Earth," there are a few loons out there just like me.
- Budo
A grand run. You will be missed.
- Celtcath
Hmmm... This is my last chance to get an award of any kind, so I'm
going for the Final Word here
- Sir Exal
I wish you guys would hurry up and fix the virtual reality simulation
I've been clicking on it all this time and the server still
seems to be down...
- Dave C
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